Data presented here may not be the most recent available - copyright © 2009 to 2025; All rights reserved
No significant news in 2025.
No significant news in 2024.
Jun 2023: Perenco completed the Kole Sud oil field. The marginal field was discovered in the 1980s in 40m of water. Production is above 3,800 bbls of oil per day. Perenco has signed a new 20-year PSC with Société Nationale des Hydrocarbures for development of the Rio del Rey Basin.
No significant news in 2022.
Jul 2021: Golar LNG, Perenco, and state oil company Société Nationale des Hydrocarbures (SNH) agreed on a capacity usage increase for the FLNG Hilli Episeyo by 200,000 tonnes bringing total usage in 2022 to 1.4 mm tonnes. The vessel receives gas from the Sanaga and Ebomé gas fields. In addition there are plans to drill 3 new gas wells to support further increases from 2023.
Jan 2021: New Age (operator), Bowleven and Lukoil are approved to apply for an exploitation agreement for the offshore Etinde license (formerly Block 7) replacing the one in force since Jan 2015. Etinde lies in shallow waters of the Rio del Rey Basin with gas, condensate and oil reservoirs in the Pliocene Biafra and Miocene Isongo Formations. First production is planned for 2023.
No significant news in 2020.
No significant news in 2019.
May 2018: FLNG Hilli Episeyo offshore Kribi shipped its first LNG cargo onboard Teekay’s Galicia Spirit. The project is based on the allocation of 14 bcm of gas reserves to be supplied by SNH and Perenco from the Sanaga Sud and Ebome fields.
Mar 2018: Golar has started producing LNG through the FLNG vessel Hilli Episeyo, offshore Kribi. It is the world’s second offshore LNG facility. Final commissioning is on track for April 2018.
Jan 2018: The 2018 Onshore & Offshore Licensing Round was opened by SNH on Jan 15 and will close on June 29 with presentations to be held in London and Houston in February and March.
May 2017: Perenco (operator) and Golar LNG (supplier) expect start-up of the Kribi offhore gas fields in September. Golar will supply the FLNG Hilli Episeyo conversion, carried out in Singapore. The project is based on 14 bcm of gas from the Sanaga Sud and Ebome fields converted to LNG by Golar’s FLNG unit andl then sold to Gazprom.
Jul 2016: Engie has put on hold its plans on building an LNG export plant on the coast of the Kribi region in partnership with SNH. The Cameroon LNG project included a subsea gas pipeline connecting offshore gas production platforms to the plant.
Jun 2016: Victoria Oil & Gas announced that subsidiary Gaz du Cameroun (GDC) is preparing to drill 2 wells (La-107 and La-108) into the onshore Logbaba Gas Field to add to 2 existing production wells (La-105 and La-106). One will twin the La-104 well drilled in 1957 and the other will be a step-out. Both will be drilled directionally from a pad adjacent to the Logbaba gas plant for immediate tie-in.
Jun 2016: Oil production rose 19.4% between January and April to 12.3 mm bbls whilst gas production fell 5.8% due to a decline in demand for gas from its Kribi plant. Field work has also begun on its floating LNG project developed by Golar LNG and due to start production in 2017.
Jan 2016: Bowleven reports that the extended flow tests at the Moambe and Zingana wells, on the onshore Bomono Permit support plans for an initial supply of up to 0.062 bcm per year of gas for power generation. Further evaluation of deeper sands is in progress.
Jul 2015: Golar LNG, Perenco and SNH have agreed to develop a floating LNG export project using Golar's GoFLNG technology. The project allocates 15 bcm of gas reserves from the offshore Kribi fields in the Douala Basin produced at a rate of 1.2 mm tonnes of LNG per annum over an 8 year period. Production is planned to commence in 2017.
May 2015: Gaz du Cameroun (GDC), a 100% owned subsidiary of Victoria Oil & Gas, has purchased the Logbaba plant from Expro Worldwide. The plant processes gas from GDC wells, producing condensate, sold to a local refinery, and gas, distributed in Douala.
Apr 2015: Victoria Oil & Gas has announced that its subsidiary, Gaz du Cameroun (GDC), has commenced supply of onshore gas to the Logbaba power station. Average gas production, including that sent to Bassa power station, has now reached 0.15 bcm each year.
Dec 2014: Oil production has risen 15% since last year as new fields come on line. This increase partly results from the Dissoni field and the commissioning of 3 new field areas; Padouk (operated by Addax) and Inter Inoua-Barombi and Barombi (both operated by Perenco). Gas production more than doubled.
Jan 2014: Dana Petroleum has started a 2D seismic survey in Bakassi West PSC situated in the offshore Rio Del Rey Basin adjoining the border with Nigeria, on the eastern margin of the Niger Delta. Around 350 kms of data will be acquired over 6 months and the first well is planned for late 2015.Dana is operator with 55% along with Madison (35%) and SoftRock (10%).
May 2013: Bowleven has successfully tested the Middle Isongo and Intra Isongo reservoirs in the IM-5 well and Stage I of the Etinde development project, based on supplying 0.75 Bcm each year of gas to a fertiliser plant in Cameroon, is proposed.
Mar 2013: Cameroon has launched a licensing round covering onshore and offshore blocks in both explored and frontier regions. Societe Nationale des Hydrocarbures (SNH) announced that the round includes 5 exploration blocks in 3 areas; Lungahe, Bomana and Dissoni in the Rio del Rey Basin, Kombe-Nsepe in the Douala/Kribi-Campo Basin, and Manyu in the Mamfe Basin.
Feb 2013: Victoria Oil & Gas is fully funded to commercialise its onshore Logbaba gas field, the only onshore field in the country. Victoria has found substantial volumes of gas, established a market and completed an initial pipeline. It now intends to build a second phase of its pipeline and purchase power generation units. It has so far contracted 25 customers, 15 of which are already receiving gas.
Nov 2012: Bowleven has announced that it has submitted the Etinde Exploitation Authorisation Application. The submission will enable the final investment decision for the Etinde development, anticipated in 2013. The first stage of the 'hub and spoke' development scheme will focus on development of discoveries iin Block MLHP-7, with first production targeted for 2016.
Oct 2012: The National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH) and Addax Petroleum announced an oil and gas discovery at the Padouk well, drilled in the offshore Iroko Block, Rio Del Rey Basin. Padouk, in a water depth of 42m, is reported to have provisional contingent resources of 20 mm bbls of oil and 5.7 bcm of gas. A full development study is ongoing.