Some of the numbers presented in this website may not be the most recent available - copyright © 2009 to 2025; All rights reserved
AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists
ADCO Abu Dhabi Company (onshore)
ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Company (offshore)
AIOC Azerbaijan International Operating Company
API American Petroleum Institute
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations
BG British Gas
CABGOC Cabinda Gulf Oil Company
CGES Centre for Global Energy Studies
CNPC Chinese National Petroleum Company
CNOOC Chinese National Offshore Oil Company
CPC Chinese Petroleum Corporation (Taiwan)
CUCBM China United Coal Bed Methane Company
DMR Department of Mineral Resources (Thailand)
DONG Dansk Olie og Naturgas (Denmark)
ECCP European Climate Change Program
ECOPETROL Empresa Colombiana de Petroleos (Colombia)
EF Energyfiles Ltd
EGPC Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation
EIA Energy Information Administration
EU European Union
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (US)
GDF Gaz de France
GNPOC Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (Sudan)
GS Globalshift Ltd
IEA International Energy Agency
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPE International Petroleum Exchange (UK)
JNOC Japan National Oil Corporation
KPC Kuwait Petroleum Company
KPO Karachaganak Petroleum Operating Consortium (Kazakhstan)
MMS Minerals Management Service (US, closed)
MOGE Myanmar Oil & Gas Enterprise
NAMR National Agency for Mineral Resources (Romania)
NASA National Aeronautical and Space Agency (US)
NEB National Energy Board (Canada)
NIOC National Iranian Oil Company
NNPC Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
NOC National Oil Corporation (Libya)
NPD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
NPTO National Petroleum Technology Office
NTSA North Sea Transition Authority (UK)
NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange
ODAC Oil Depletion Analysis Centre
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development
OGDC Oil and Gas Development Corporation (Pakistan)
OGJ Oil and Gas Journal
ONHYM Office National des Hydrocarbures et Mines (Morocco)
ONGC Oil and Natural Commission (India)
OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEC+ inc. Russia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico. Oman, South Sudan, Sudan (North)
PDO Petroleum Development Oman
PDVSA Petróleos de Venezuela, South America
PEDCO Petroleum Exploration & Devt Company (S. Korea)
PEMEX Petroleos Mexicanos
PEP Pemex Exploration & Production (Mexico)
PESGB Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain
PETROBRAS Petroleos Brasileiro SA (Brazil)
PNOC Philippines National Oil Company
PRC Petroleum Resource Company (Egypt)
PTT Petroleum Authority of Thailand
PNGV Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (US)
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission (US)
SONANGOL Sociedade Nacional de Combustiveis de Angola
SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers
SPC Syrian Petroleum Company
TPDC Tanzanian Petroleum Development Corporation
USGS United States Geological Survey
WPC World Petroleum Congress
WEC World Energy Council
WTO World Trade Organisation
YPF Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (Argentina)
ACG Azeri, Chirag, Gunashli (Azerbaijan)
AFO Available frontier offer (New Zealand)
ANWR Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
CAA Commercial arrangement area (Malaysia-Vietnam)
DSDP Deep Sea Drilling Project
FSU Former Soviet Union
GOM Gulf of Mexico
JPDA Joint Petroleum Development Area (East Timor/Australia)
MGS Master Gas System (Saudi Arabia)
MTJA Malaysia-Thailand joint authority
NPRA National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
OCA Overlapping Claim Area (Thailand-Cambodia)
ODP Ocean Drilling Program
PNG Papua New Guinea
SPR Strategic Petroleum Reserve (US)
TAPS Trans-Alaska pipeline system
UAE United Arab Emirates
WCSB Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
WDDM West Delta Deep Marine (Egypt)
WGLP Western Libya Gas Project
WEP West-East Pipeline (China)
ZOC Timor Gap Zone of Co-operation
Technical and economic
ABS Artificial buoyant seabed
AFC Alkaline fuel cell
AFE Authority for Expenditure
ASA Auxiliary Settling Area (used to refine bitumen)
BBL(s) Barrel(s) (of oil)
BCF Billion Cubic Feet (of natural gas)
BCM Billion Cubic Metres (of natural gas)
BHA Bottom hole assembly
BKB Below kelly bushing
Bn Billion
BOP Blow-out preventer
BRT Below rotary table
BSR Bottom simulating reflector (gas hydrates)
BTLs Biofuels-to-liquids
CAPEX Capital expenditure
CBM Coal bed methane
CCHP Combined cooling, heat and power
CHP Combined heat and power (cogeneration)
CMM Coal mine methane
CNG Compressed natural gas
CPF Central Processing Facility
CSG Coal seam gas
CTD Coiled-tubing Drilling
CTLs Coal-to-liquids
CWD Casing while Drilling
DDCV Deep draft caisson vessel
DGD Dual gradient Drilling
DEG Diethylene glycol
DEVT. Development (wells)
DMFC Direct methanol fuel cell
DST Drill stem test
DTU Dry Tree Unit
E and P Exploration and production
ECD Equivalent circulating density (muds)
EOR Enhanced oil recovery (from oil fields)
EPCI Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation
ERD Extended reach drilling
ESP Electric Submersible Pump
EXP. Exploratory (exploration and appraisal wells)
FDPSO Floating drilling, production, storage and offloading
FID Final Investment Decision
FLNG Floating liquefied natural gas
FPI Free point indicator
FPSO Floating production, storage and offloading
FPU Floating production unit
FSO Floating storage and offloading
FSRU Floating storage and regasification unit
FT-GTL Fischer-Tropsch gas-to-liquid
FVF Formation volume factor
GFPSO Gas only floating production storage and offloading
GHG Greenhouse gas
GIT Gas-in-transport
GOR Gas oil ratio
GPS Global Positioning System
GR Gamma Ray (log)
GTG Gas-to-gasoline
GTLs Gas-to-liquids
HDR Hot dry rock (geothermal technique)
HP/HT High pressure/High temperature
HSZ Hydrate stability zone (existence of gas hydrates)
IOR Improved oil recovery (from oil fields)
IR Infrared (heating units)
KB Kelly bushing
Km kilometre
LNG Liquefied natural gas (manufactured from gas)
LOI Letter of Intent
LOT Leak-off test
LTO Light-Tight Oil (tight reservoir)
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
LTX Low temperature separator
LWD Logging while Drilling
MBBL(s) Thousand barrel(s) (of oil)
MCf Thousand cubic feet (of natural gas)
MD Measured depth (wells)
Md Millidarcy
m Metres
M Thousand
MM or mm Million
MMBBL(s) Million barrel(s) (of oil)
MCm Thousand cubic metres (of natural gas)
MMCF MM cubic feet (of natural gas)
MMCM MM cubic metres (of natural gas)
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MSL Mean sea level
MTBE Methyl tertiary butyl ether
MW Megawatt (electricity)
MWD Measurement while Drilling
NETA New electricity trading agreement (UK)
NGH Natural gas hydrates
NGL Natural gas liquids
NGV Natural gas vehicle
NOX Nitrogen oxides (pollutants)
NPV Net present value
NRU Naptha Recovery Unit (used to refine bitumen)
NRV Non-return valve
OBMs Oil-based muds
OPEX Operating Expenditure
PAFC Phosphoric acid fuel cell
PCL Pipe-conveyed logging
PDC Polycrystalline diamond compact
PDM Positive displacement motor
PDO Plan for Development and Operation
PEM Proton exchange mechanism (fuel cells)
PID Particle impact Drilling
PSC Production Sharing Contract
PSA Production Sharing Agreement
PSV Primary Separation Vessel (used to refine bitumen)
PV Photovoltaic (as applied to a type of solar cell)
PWR Pressurised water reactor
R & D Research and development
RCD Reverse circulation drilling
RCLS Rotary closed loop system
RF Recovery factor
RFT Repeat Formation Tester
ROP Rate of penetration
ROV Remote operated vehicle
SBM Single buoy mooring
SBMs Synthetics-based muds
SD Subsea Drilling
SEMISUB Semi-submersible rig
SET Solid expandable tubular
SFR Scope for additional recovery (Shell)
SOX Sulphur dioxide (pollutant)
STGs Shale/Tight Gases
STOs Shale/Tight Oils
SWF Shallow water flow
TAD Tender assisted drilling
TAML Technology Advancement for Multilaterals
TCF Trillion cubic feet (of natural gas)
TCI Tri-cone insert (bit)
TCM Trillion cubic metres (of natural gas)
TBL Through-the-bit-logging
TD Total depth (of well)
TEE Total energy efficiency
TEG Triethylene glycol
TG Tight gas
TLP Tension leg platform
TOR Tailings oil recovery (used to refine bitumen)
TSA Technical service agreement
TVDss True vertical depth subsea
UBD Under-balanced drilling
VAM Ventilation air methane (from coal mines)
WBMs Water-based muds
WOB Weight on bit
YTD Yet-to-develop (potential reserves in discovered fields)
YTF Yet-to-find (potential undiscovered reserves)
2D 2D Seismic (gives cross-sectional image
3D 3D Seismic (gives volumetric image)
4D 4D Seismic (gives volumetric image over time)
Key names
bbls - for barrels
cm - for cubic metres
bcm - for billions of cubic metres
tcm - for trillions of cubic metres
000s - for thousands
mm - for millions
bn - for billions
tn - for trillions
Cond - for Condensate
NGLs - for Natural Gas Liquids
LNG - for Liquefied Natural Gas
GTL - for Gas-to-liquids
BTL - for Biofuels-to-liquids
CTL - for Coal-to-liquids
CBM - for Coal bed methane