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Mar 2025: OKEA announced a discovery in the Equinor-operated PL1119 Mistral exploration well 6406/6-7S in the southern Norwegian Sea. Preliminary estimates of recoverable oil equivalents are between 19 and 44 mm bbls.

Feb 2025: Vår Energi discovered oil in the Zagato prospect in 410 m of water, 8 kms NE of the Goliat FPSO in the Barents Sea. Wildcat well 7122/8-3S is the 11th in PL 229. The well encountered oil columns of 72m in the Kobbe formation over 3 reservoir zones and a 3m oil column in the Tubåen formation. It has been temporarily plugged.

Jan 2025: Awards in pre-defined areas (APA) 2024 have been made to 20 companies in 53 production licences - 33 in the North Sea, 19 in the Norwegian Sea and 1 in the Barents Sea.

Jan 2025: The Norwegian Offshore Directorate reports that gas sales production reached a record-high in 2024 at 124 bcm. Oil and gas production together are expected to remain stable before a gradual decrease towards the end of the decade. Exploration activity was also high in 2024.

Jan 2025: Equinor announced that the Troll field, Norway's largest gas field, has set an all-time high production rate of 42.5 bcm in 2024, nearly 10% more than the previous record in 2022. The result was due to high production regularity, a year without turnarounds, and upgrades that increased efficiency including a riser replacement on the Troll B platform.


Dec 2024: Equinor discovered oil and gas in wildcat well 31/1-4 (Ringand) in PL 923B in the Northern North Sea. Preliminary estimates indicate the size of the discovery is 1.9 to 12.6 mmboe. The well encountered a 112m gas column in the Ness, Etive and Oseberg Formations and a 16m oil column in the Oseberg Formation. Water depth is 304m.

Dec 2024: DNO (operator, 50%) announced that the Trym field in license PL147 is back on production after a 5-year shutdown while the Tyra field in the Danish North Sea was redeveloped (to which Trym is tied). Capacity at its subsea template represents further potential including the 2013 Trym Sør discovery possibly adding production from 2027.

Dec 2024: DNO (operator, 50%), Aker BP (20%), Petoro (20%) and Source Energy (10%) announced the Othello discovery (2/6-7) inPalaeocene sandstones, license PL1086. Estimates of recoverable resources are 27-57 mm bbls of light oil. DNO is considering tying back the discovery to the Ekofisk hub 40 kms to the west and the Valhall hub 55 kms to the southwest.

Nov 2024: Equinor struck oil and gas in the 35/11-30 well (Rhombi prospect) near the Fram field in the North Sea. Reserves are estimated at 13 to 28 mm boe, slightly more than half being gas. Tie-in to existing infrastructure is being considered. The discovery is in an area where 12 discoveries were made from 2018 to 2023.

Sep 2024: Aker BP (operator), Petoro and PGNiG started oil production from the Tyrving field in the Alvheim area. The development extends the lifetime for the Alvheim field and consists of 3 wells and two new subsea manifolds tied back to existing infrastructure at East Kameleon and then to the Alvheim FPSO. Recoverable resources iare estimated at 25 mmbblsoe.

Aug 2024: OMV (operator, 40%), Vår Energi  (30%) and Inpex Idemitsu (30%) announced a significant gas discovery in the Norwegian Sea, PL 1194 license. The well encountered estimated recoverable volumes between 30 mm and 140 mm bblsoe in a water depth of 1,064m, 65 kms  from the Aasta Hansteen field.

Jul 2024: Equinor (operator, 54.82%), Petoro (22.52%), Vår Energi (16.66%) and TotalEnergies (6%) started production from the first Lavrans well, the 1st phase of the Kristin South project. A new subsea template has been tied into the Kristin platform. Three additional wells are planned at Lavrans and one in the Q-segment at the Kristin field.

Jun 2024: Equinor, Aker BP, Petoro and Inpex Idemitsu discovered gas in well 7324/8-4 (Hassel) in the Barents Sea, PL 1170. The well was drilled in the Hoop fault complex,in the Wisting area. Water depth is 401metres. The discovery will be permanently plugged and abandoned.

Jun 2024: Vår Energi (operator, 30%), Inpex (30%), PGNiG (30%) and Sval Energi (10%) discovered oil and gas in the Cerisa exploration well in PL 636. It is the 4th recent discovery close to the Gjøa platform.

Jun 2024: Aker BP (operator, 35%), Equinor (35%), Petoro (20%) and Inpex (10%) made a small gas discovery in well 7324/6-2 (Ferdinand Nord) in the Barents Sea, PL 1170. Water depth at is 422m. The well was not tested and has been permanently plugged and abandoned.

Jun 2024: DNO (20%) announced a gas condensate discovery in the 35/11-27S Cuvette well in Northern North Sea licenses PL248F and PL248GS, Troll-Gjøa area. Recoverable resources of 16-38 mmboe are estimated in Jurassic sediments. Water depth is 378m.

May 2024: The Norwegian Ministry of Energy announced the APA 2024 licensing round including 3 blocks in the northwest of the Norwegian Sea and 34 blocks in the east of the Barents Sea. The deadline is September 3 2024.

May 2024: ConocoPhillips (operator, 35.112%), TotalEnergies (39.896%), Vår Energi (12.388%), Sval Energi (7.604%) and Petoro (5%) produced first oil from the Eldfisk North field in the Greater Ekofisk area within PL 018. It comprises three 6-well subsea templates and up to 14 wells using Eldfisk 2/7S for processing and transportation. Oil will be exported to the UK.

Apr 2024: Aker BP (operator, 35%), Equinor (50%) and Sval Energy (15%) announced that production has started from Hanz, a development tied into the Ivar Aasen platform re-using subsea production systems from the Jette field. Reserves are around 20 mmboe. Ivar Aasen is on the Utsira High in the northern part of the North Sea.

Apr 2024: Vår Energi (operator, 50%), Aker BP (20%), Harbour (15%) and Sval (15%) confirmed the discovery of oil in the Ringhorne North exploration well in PL 956. It has estimated recoverable resources of between 13 and 23 mm bbls.and can be tied into nearby existing infrastructure in the Balder area.

Mar 2024: Equinor (operator, 51%) and DNO (49%) delineated the Heisenberg oil and gas discovery (in 35/10) and proven oil in the Hummer prospect in the 35/10-11 well drilled in PL 827 SB. Water depth is 364m.

Mar 2024: Harbour (operator), Sval and Aker BP confirmed the Amethyst gas discovery in well 15/9-25 (PL1138) in the Northern North Sea in 84m of water. The gas was first proven in wells 16/7-2 and 16/7-10, drilled in 1982 and 2011 respectively. The well has been permanently plugged and abandoned.

Jan 2024: The Norwegian Ministry of Energy offered 62 new production licenses to 24 companies in the APA 2023 licensing round up from 47 licenses last year. Twenty nine are located in the North Sea, 25 in the Norwegian Sea, and 8 in the Barents Sea.


Dec 2023: Neptune (operator, 40%), Wintershall (20%), Pandion (20%), DNO (10%), and Aker BP (10%) made a gas discovery in the 35/6-4 (Kyrre) well in PL 929 close to the Gjøa field and at the 35/6-4ST (Ofelia) appraisal. They will both be considered for tie-backs to Gjøa along with the earlier oil and gas discovery at Gjøa Nord (Hamlet).

Nov 2023: Equinor (operator), Petoro, Total and Conoco Phillips discovered oil and gas in well 30/6-C-2A (Lambda) in PL053, 4 kims west of the Oseberg field in the Northern North Sea in 109m of water. The well was drilled from the Oseberg C platform. Reservoirs are the Eiriksson and Cook Formations.

Oct 2023: Aker BP (operator, 80%) and ConocoPhillips (20%) started oil and gas production from Kobra East and Gekko (KEG) fields in PL 203. The 4-well field is tied to the Alvheim FPSO.

Oct 2023: Equinor (operator, 39%), Petoro (22.2%), Vår (34.4%) and ConocoPhillips (4.4%) started production from the Breidablikk field in 130m of water. Tied back to the Grane platform, the field holds 200 mm bbls of recoverable oil. Eight wells have been drilled, and a further 14 are planned up to the end of 2025. Plateau output is estimated at 60,000 bbls per day.

Oct 2023: ConocoPhillips (operator), ORLEN (PIGNiG), TotalEnergies, Vår and Eni started production from Tommeliten A, tied back to the Ekofisk field. Reserves are estimated at 20 bcm of gas and 30 mm bbls of condensate. It has 2 subsea templates and space for 12 wells with 7 already completed and 4 due in Q1 2024. Gas will be exported to Emden in Germany and liquids to Teesside in the UK.  A small part of the field lies in the UK.

Oct 2023: OKEA (operator, 44.56%), Petoro (47.88%) and M Vest Energy (7.56%) announced production from the Hasselmus gas field on the western edge of the Trøndelag platform in  Norwegian Sea, block 6407/9. It is a subsea tie-back to the Draugen platform and expected to recover 1.65 Bcm of gas, restarting export of gas and NGL from Draugen.

Sep 2023: DNO (operator, 30%), Source, Equinor, Vår Energi (all 20%) and Aker BP (10%) announced a hp/ht gas/condensate discovery on the Norma prospect in the Norwegian North Sea, license PL984, block 25/7. Reserves are estimated at 70 mmboe in a Jurassic reservoir  30 kms south of Alvheim.

Aug 2023: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy received offers for production licences from 25 companies as part of the Award in Pre-Defined Areas 2023 (APA 2023). The aim is to award new production licenses in the North Sea, Norwegian Sea, and Barents Sea at the beginning of 2024.

Aug 2023: Wintershall Dea (operator), Petoro and Sval Energi started production from the Dvalin gas field in the Norwegian Sea. It has a subsea template and 4 vertical production wells with the well stream sent to the Heidrun field for processing and export.  Recoverable reserves are estimated at 113 mmbs of oil equivalent,the majority gas.

Aug 2023: Equinor (operator, 45%), Vår Energi (25%), Inpex (15%) and Neptune Energy(15%) made an oil and gas discovery in the Crino-Mulder prospect (35/11-26). The well is located in PL90 in the Troll-Fram area of the northern North Sea, 4 kms west of the Fram field in 356 m of water.

Jul 2023: DNO (30%), Wellesley Petroleum (operator, 50%), Equinor (10%) and Aker BP (10%) announced a significant gas and condensate discovery on the Carmen prospect in 35/10 (PL1148) with reserves in the range of around 175 mmboe. Carmen is DNO’s 6th discovery in the Troll-Gjøa area since 2021 (Røver Nord, Kveikje, Ofelia, Røver Sør, Heisenberg).

May 2023: Aker BP (operator, 47.7%), Equinor (40%) and PGNiG (12.3%) in PL 873 are nearing completion of the Øst Frigg Beta/Epsilon exploration well in the Yggdrasil area of the North Sea. The well is a significant oil discovery of 40-90 mm bblsoe and enhances the resource base for the Yggdrasil development with production to commence in 2027.

May 2023: Equinor (operator, 35%), TotalEnergies (35%) and Petoro (30%) made the Tott West gas/condensate discovery near the Kristin field in the Norwegian Sea in well 6406/5-2S (PL 255 B). Water depth is 304m.

May 2023: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy launched the Award in Pre-Defined Areas 2023 (APA 2023) with blocks in the North Sea, Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea. The deadline to apply 23 August 2023 and awards are expected during Q1 2024.

Apr 2023: Neptune Energy (operator, 30%), Vår Energi (45%), Sval Energi (17.5%) and DNO (7.5%) commenced production from the Fenja field in the Norwegian Sea at a water depth of 325m. It is expected to produce 35,000 boe per day via two producers and two injectors tied back to Njord A. Reserves are 50-75 mmboe (75% oil, 25% gas).

Apr 2023: OMV (operator) found oil in well 15/2-2 S in PL 817, 5 kms west of the Gudrun field in sandstoones of the intra-Draupne Formation with poor reservoir properties. They will evaluate the result to define the volume. Water depth is 111m and the well will be permanently plugged and abandoned.

Apr 2023: Equinor (operator), Wintershall, Vår Energi and Neptune started production from the 50mm bbl Bauge field in the Norwegian Sea. Bauge consists of 2 oil producers, a subsea template, pipelines and an umbilical connected to the Njord A platform. The project ran in parallel with the upgrading of Njord A and the Njord Bravo FSO.

Mar 2023: Equinor (operator, 51%) and DNO (49%) made an oil and gas discovery near the Fram field in well 35/10-9 (Heisenberg) in production licence 827S. Water depth is 368m. The well has been permanently plugged and abandoned.

Mar 2023: Aker BP (operator) and Vår Energi started production from the Frosk field tied back to FPSO Alvheim. Investment is US$230 mm to recover 10 mmmboe. Frosk is the 1st of 3 tie-back projects to the FPSO with Kobra East & Gekko planned for early 2024 and Tyrving expected for 2025.

Feb 2023: Vår Energi (operator, 65%) and Equinor (35%) made a discovery of oil in the 7122/8-1S Countach well in PL229 (Goliat), north-west of Hammerfest. A sidetrack is planned to better define the size.

Feb 2023: Equinor (operator) DNO, Wellesley Petroleum and Petoro made the Røver Sør oil and gas discovery close to the Troll field in the North Sea, the 7th in this area since the autumn of 2019. The size of the discovery is between 17 and 47 mm bblsoe, mostly oil.

Jan 2023: Equinor, Wintershall and Petoro made a gas discovery in PL 1128 of 2-11 bcm in the 6605/1-2 well (Obelix Upflank) in the Norwegian Sea. It is 23 kms south of the Irpa gas discovery. Irpa will be tied back to Aasta Hansteen.

Jan 2023: In APA 2022, 25 companies were offered ownership interests in 47 production licences of which 29 are in the North Sea, 16 in the Norwegian Sea and 2 in the Barents Sea. Twenty of the production licences are additional acreage for existing licences.


Dec 2022: Wintershall (50%), Equinor (27.5%, operator) and Neptune (22.5%) have recommenced production from the Njord field in the Norwegian Sea following a 6-year upgrade of the platform and FSO. Ten new wells will be drilled and it will receive production from new subsea fields, Bauge and Fenja. Oil is transported by pipeline to the Njord Bravo FSO and by tankers. Gas is exported by pipeline to the Åsgard system (ÅTS) and to Kårstø.

Dec 2022: Vår Energi (operator, 50%) and Aker BP (50%) confirmed the discovery of gas in the 7122/9-1 T2 (Lupa) well in the Goliat area of the, Barents Sea, PL229E. The well encountered a gas column of 55m in sandstones of the Havert formation of Triassic age.

Dec 2022: Equinor has started up the Askeladd gas field in the Barents Sea. It is developed as a subsea tie-in to the Snøhvit facility. The project will provide 18 bcm of gas and 13mm bbls of condensate via the Hammerfest LNG plant on Melkøya, extending its plateau.

Dec 2022: Neptune Energy (operator, 30%), OKEA (30%), Pandion Energy (20%) and Vår Energi (20%) announced a discovery at the 6407/8-8S (Calypso) well in PL938 in the Norwegian Sea NW of Draugen.

Nov 2022: Norway will not issue licences for energy companies to explore for oil and gas in frontier areas during the life of the current parliament, which ends in 2025.

Sep 2022: OMV (operator, 40%), Wintershall (20%), Source Energy (20%) and Longboat (20%) have proven hydrocarbons in the HP/HT Oswig prospect, exploration well 30/5-4S, PL1100, and will drill a sidetrack and conduct a DST to assess reservoir productivity in the Tarbert and Ness formations.

Sep 2022: Applications have been received from 26 companies in the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2022. Offers will be announced early in 2023. Most companies currently operating in Norway have applied.

Aug 2022: Neptune (operator, 40%), Wintershall (20%), Aker BP (10%), Pandion (20%) and DNO (10%) made a minor oil discovery near the Gjøa field at the Ofelia (35/6-3S) exploration well (PL 929), encountering oil in the Agat formation in 344m of water. Preliminary estimate of recoverable volumes is 16-39 mmboe. It will be considered for tie-back to Gjøa along with Hamlet.

Aug 2022: Aker BP (operator) dicovered oil and gas in well 6507/3-15 in PL 941 in the Norwegian Sea. Production will be considered using a tieback to the Skarv field. The water depth is 348m and the well will be permanently plugged and abandoned.

Aug 2022: Wintershall Dea (operator), Sval Energi, Pandion Energy and OKEA started production from the Nova oil field in 370m of water  It has 2 subsea templates tied back to the Gjøa platform which provides gas lift and water injection. Wintershall’s Dvalin field will come onstream later in 2022.

Jul 2022: Shell I(operator, 17.81%, Petoro (36.48%), Equinor (25.34%), PGNiG (14.02%) and Vår Energi (6.33%) received approval for a PDO for the Ormen Lange wet gas subsea compression project. It is expected to add 30-50 bcm of gas by increasing recovery to 85%. Start-up of the project is planned for 2025.

Jul 2022: Aker BP (operator, 70%) ad Wintershall (30%) drilled the Storjo exploration well (6507/2-6) in PL 261 near the Skarv field in the Norwegian Sea in 336m of water. The well encountered up to 13bcm of gas in several formations. Further delineation is planned in 2023.

Jun 2022: The authorities granted consent to start production from the Nova field in PL418 with 2 seabed templates, one for oil production and one for water injection. The field will be tied back to the Gjøa field. The licence was awarded in APA 2007 and the discovery well drilled in 2012.  

Jun 2022: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announced the APA 2022 licensing round encompassing predefined areas with blocks in the North Sea, Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea. The deadline to apply 12 September 2022 with awards expected during Q1 2023.

Jun 2022: Equinor has made another oil and gas discovery in Skavl Stø, exploration well 7220/8-3 (PL532), 5kms to the south of the Johan Castberg field. The size of the discovery is estimated at between 5-10 mm bbls of recoverable oil equivalent. Skavl Stø will be matured together with Snøfonn North and the previous discoveries of Skavl (2014) and Isflak (2021).

Jun 2022: Equinor reports that the Hammerfest LNG is back in production after the fire in September 2020. The volumes from Hammerfest LNG account for over 5% of Norwegian gas exports delivering around 6.5 bcm per year. It receives and processes  gas from the Snøhvit field in the Barents Sea.

May 2022: Equinor has made an oil discovery in PL 532. Well 7220/8-2S, known as Snøfonn Nord is near the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea. Snøfonn Nord is the 10th discovery in the Castberg licence and the 12th exploration well in PL 532,awarded in the 20th licencing round in 2009.

Apr 2022: Neptune Energy (operator, 30%), Petoro (30%), Wintershall Dea (28%) and OKEA (12%) confirmed the discovery of oil and gas at the Hamlet exploration well in license PL153. Hamlet is 58 kms west of Floro in a water depth of 358m with a potential tie-back to the Gjoa semi-sub platform.

Apr 2022: Aker BP and Pandion Energy report that production has started from Hod B in the southern North Sea, an unmanned wellhead platform, remotely operated from the Valhall field centre.

Apr 2022: Equinor (operator, 51%), DNO (29%), INPEX (10%) and Longboat (10%) made an oil and gas discovery in the Kveikje exploration well (35/10-8S) in licence PL293B in reservoirs of Eocene age. The well is 40 kms from Troll B and 32 kms from Troll C (potential host facilities)in 362 m of water. It lies near Toppand, Swisher, Røver Nord, Echino South, Blasto, and Grosbeak.

Mar 2022: Neptune Energy (operator, 30%), Petoro (30%), Wintershall Dea (28%) and OKEA (12%) discovered hydrocarbons at the Hamlet exploration well within the Gjøa licence (PL153) at a water depth of 358m.

Mar 2022: Equinor  plans to maintain high gas exports to Europe amid supply concerns caused by Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine. These include applications for revised production permits for the Oseberg, Troll, and Heidrun fields to maintain high production through the summer. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has also approved an increase in the production permit (to 38 bcm) for the Troll field.

Mar 2022: TechnipFMC has a FEED contract with OMV (operator, 30%) for the subsea system at the Iris Hades field on the Halten Bank in the Norwegian Sea close to Morvin. The development for the gas/condensate discovery is a 4-slot subsea template with 3 producing wells tied back to the Åsgard B platform. Partners are Equinor (40%), DNO Norge (20%) and Spirit (10%).

Jan 2022: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy offered 53 new production licences to 28 companies as part of APA 2021. This compares to 61 offered to 30 companies in APA 2020. Of the 53 licenses, 28 are in the North Sea, 20 in the Norwegian Sea, and 5 in the Barents Sea. Equinor was offered shares in 26 licenses and operatorship in 12 with Aker BP, Lundin, Vår Energi and Wintershall also receiving a high number of offers.

Jan 2022: Equinor  (operator) and Wellesley Petroleum made an oil discovery near the Fram field in PL630, exploration wells 35/10-7 S and 35/10-7 (Toppand), of around 21–33 mm bbls of recoverable oil equivalent. It may be tied into the Troll B or Troll C platform.


Nov 2021: Aker BP (operator) with Equinor, Wintershall  and PGNiG started production from Ærfugl (phase 2) in the Norwegian Sea. Ærfugl is tied into the FPSO on the Skarv field and has been developed in 2 phases, with 3 wells in the southern part (phase 1) and 3 wells in the northern part (phase 2).

Oct 2021: Repsol (operator, 55%), Lotos (20%), OKEA (15%), and KUFPEC (10%) confirmed that the Yme field has started production. Recoverable reserves are estimated at 63 mmbbls. The field will produce around 56,000 bbls per day at peak. Yme was shut down in 2001 and has been redeveloped in PL316 and 316 B.

Oct 2021: Equinor (operator) made an oil discovery at the Egyptian Vulture well (6407/1-9) in the Norwegian Sea, PL939. It encountered light oil in the Cenomanian Intra-Lange Formation. A preliminary estimate of recoverable resources is 19 to 63 mmboe. The well is 20 kms from the Åsgard field.

Oct 2021: Vår Energi (operator, 50%), Longboat (20%), Concedo (20%) and Equinor (10%) made a hydrocarbon discovery at the Rødhette exploration well in the Barents Sea. Exploration well 7122/6-3 S in production licence 901 encountered a 29m column in the Middle Jurassic Stø Formation.

Oct 2021: Lundin (operator, 65%), with OMV (20%) and Wintershall (15%), achieved first oil from the Solveig field in PL359. The Phase 1 development consists of a 5-well subsea tie-back to the Edvard Grieg platform with plateau production planned for 30,000 bblsoe per day.

Sep 2021: Shell, with partners Petoro, Equinor, Ineos, and Vår Energi made a Final Investment Decision for the Ormen Lange wet gas subsea compression project designed to add 30-50 bcm of gas and increase gas recovery to 85%. A wet gas compressor will be installed on the seabed at 900m water depth close to the wellheads. It will be the 1st underwater compression system developed without an offshore platform.  

Sep 2021: The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received applications from 31 companies for the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2021 licencing round. The NPD will now start the work of evaluating the applications.

Aug 2021: Equinor, Petoro, Shell, TotalEnergies, and ConocoPhillips started production from the 8-well Troll phase 3 project which tie into a new gas processing module on the Troll A platform. This will extend its life past 2050 and producing up to 347 bcm from the Troll West gas cap.

Aug 2021: Neptune Energy (operater) has started production from the Duva field in production licence 636.

Aug 2021: Lundin Energy  (operator, 80%) and OMV (20%) started production from the EWT at the Rolvsnes field, a subsea tie-back to the Edvard Grieg platform. The field lies in PL338C and is a fractured granite basement reservoir on the Utsira High. A plan for development and operation (PDO) could be submitted by the end of 2022.

Jul 2021: Start-up of the Duva oil and gas field in August by Neptune (operator), Idemitsu, PGNiG and Sval Energi has been approved. The field contains 71 mm bblsoe in PL 636. Discovered in 2016, it is a subsea installation with 3 oil producers and 1 gas producer tied into the Gjøa platform, 14 kms to the NE. Gas is sent to the UK and capex is US$574 mm.

Jul 2021: Equinor and its partners in Troll Nord have consent to start-up the Troll phase 3 project in the autumn. The PDO was approved in December 2018 to produce gas around 0.35 bcm of gas from Troll Vest and some oil. Two subsea templates with eight wells are tied into the Troll A platform.

Jun 2021: Equinor and Petoro announced that the Martin Linge oil and gas field (platform and storage vessel) in the North Sea has come onstream, powered by electricity from onshore. Recoverable resources are estimated at 260 mm bblsoe with plateau production at 115,000 bblsoe per day.

Jun 2021: Equinor, Petoro, Vår Energi, and ConocoPhillips PDO for the Breidablikk field has been approved Estimated recoverable reserves are 200 mm bbls for an investment of US $2.2 bn. Production is scheduled to start in Q1 2024 including a 23 subsea producers in 4 subsea templates tied back to the Grane platform then piped to the Sture terminal.

Jun 2021: Vår Energi (operator, 90%) and Mime Petroleum (10%) discovered oil and gas in the King and Prince exploration wells in the North Sea both in PL027. Volumes of 60-135 mm bbls of recoverable oil equivalent are estimated. The fields are 6 kms north of the Balder field.

Jun 2021: Equinor (operator), Vår Energi and Aker BP struck oil in PL554, estimating reserves at 8-23 mm bbls. Two wells (34/6-5 S and 34/6-5 ST2) were drilled on the Garantiana West prospect in 285m of water, 10 kms north-east of the Visund field. The latter found oil in the Early Jurassic Cook formation and may be tied back to the Garantiana development project.

Apr 2021: Equinor has updated the schedule for repair and start-up of the Melkøya LNG plant after the fire on 28 September 2020. The revised date is 31 March 2022. The fire caused substantial damage.

Mar 2021: Equinor (operator), Var, Idemitsu and Neptune made a large discovery of between 75-120 mm barrels of recoverable oil equivalent in wells 31/2-22S and 31/2-22A (Blasto) witihin PL090. The wells lie 3 kms SW of the Fram field in a water depth of 349m.

Mar 2021: Equinor, Var and Petoro struck oil in well 7220/7-4 in PL 532 in the Barents Sea in 351m of water. The well was drilled 10 kms SW of the Johan Castberg field. It is the 1st of 4 exploration wells to be drilled or partnered by Equinor in the Barents Sea in 2021.

Feb 2021: Neptune Energy (operator, 30%), Wintershall Dea (28%), Petoro (30%) and OKEA (12%) announced oil and gas production has started from the Gjøa P1 development via 2 subsea wells and a new template tied back to the Gjøa field.

Feb 2021: Equinor (operator), DNO, Petoro and Wellesley Petroleum have struck gas and oil in the Rover North well and its appraisal near the Troll/Fram fields in PL 923 (block 31/1). This discovery continues on from the Echino discovery in 2019 and Swisher discovery in 2020. The water depth is 349m.

Jan 2021: The Johan Sverdrup field is expected to increase its production capacity to 535,000 bbls of oil per day by mid 2021 with water injection. This is 100,000 bbls per day more than the original basis at start-up in October 2019. Partners are Equinor (operator, 42.6%), Lundin (20%), Petoro (17.36%), Aker BP (11.5733%) and, Total (8.44%).

Jan 2021: The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy offered 61 production licences with work-programme commitments in the Award in Pre-Defined Areas 2020 (APA 2020) to 30 companies (18 will be offered one or more operatorships). Of the licences, 34 are in the North Sea, 24 in the Norwegian Sea, and 3 in the Barents Sea.


Dec 2020: ConocoPhillips (operator, 80%) and Pandion Energy (20%) have made a significant oil discovery in PL 891 on the Slagugle prospect (6507/5-10) northeast of the Heidrun field in the Norwegian Sea in 355m of water.

Dec 2020: Aker BP (operator), Equinor, Wintershall and PGNiG will develop the Grasel discovery above the Skarv reservoir in the Norwegian Sea. Oil and gas production will use capacity on the Skarv FPSOand a new well drilled from an existing well slot on the Skarv field. First oil is planned for Q4 2021.

Dec 2020: Equinor produced first oil from the Snorre Expansion project. The IOR project is designed to access 200 mmbbls of recoverable oil and to extend the life of the Snorre field through to 2040. Investments total US$2.23 bn. A total of 24 new wells will be drilled, divided among 6 subsea templates.

Dec 2020: Aker BP (operator, 90%) and Pandion Energy (10%) have had their re-development plan approved for the Hod field. It will use a new unmanned WH platform remotely controlled from the Valhall field. Capex will be US$600 mm and recovery 40 mm bblsoe. The Hod field is located in Block 2/11 with start-up planned for Q1 2022.

Dec 2020: ConocoPhillips (operator, 30.66%), Total (48.20%), Vår Energi (10.82%), Equinor (6.64%), and Petoro (3.69%) started production from the Tor II project. It is the first redevelopment of a shut-in field (Tor, 1978-2015) on the NCS. It has a Subsea Production System including 8 production wells connected to the Ekofisk Complex.

Nov 2020: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announced the 25th licensing round, encompassing 136 blocks in the Norwegian and Barents Sea. The deadline for applications is 23 February 2021 with awards expected in March.

Nov 2020: Aker BP, Equinor, Wintershall and PGNiG report that production started from  Phase 1 of the Ærfugl gas field (southern part, 3 wells) in the Norwegian Sea. The field has 2-phases tied into the FPSO on the Skarv field. Reserves are estimated at 300 mm bbls of oil equivalent and investment is NOK 8 bn. Production has already started from the first (of 3) phase 2 well.

Nov 2020: ConocoPhillips (operator, 65%) and PGNiG (35%) drilled a gas discovery in well 6507/4-1 (PL1009), Warka prospect at a water depth of 400m, 27 kms SW of the Skarv field. Results will be assessed to tieback to existing infrastructure. The well has been plugged and abandoned.

Nov 2020: Equinor and its partners have made a small gas discovery on the Apollonia prospect in the Norwegian Sea. The well is in 295 m of water on the PL 263D license, 9 kms east of the Maria field. It encountered a 9m gas column in the Lower Cretaceous Lange formation.

Oct 2020: Equinor will close the Hammerfest LNG facility for up to a year. Repairs are needed after a fire at the plant in September caused damage to the air intake on one of the 5 power turbines. Seawater also damaged electrical equipment. Progress will depend on Covid-19 restrictions.

Oct 2020: NPD issued consent for start-up of the Dvalin gas/condensate field in the Norwegian Sea to Wintershall (operator). Reserves are estimated at 18 bcm. The field is in PL435 and comprises 2 structures, Dvalin East (discovered 2010) and Dvalin West (2012). The gas will be sent from 4 wells to the Heidrun field for processing and export via the Polarled pipeline.

Sep 2020: The NPD granted consent for start-up of the Tor II facilities in the Central North Sea. Tor is the first field on the Norwegian shelf with a complete redevelopment after shut down. It comprises 2 new subsea templates tied in to Ekofisk and 8 new production wells. ConocoPhillips (operator) plans start-up in 4Q 2020.

Sep 2020: Equinor (operator), Petoro and Wellesley Petroleum found oil and gas in the Swisher prospect in PL 248C close to the Fram field. Wells 35/11-24 S, 35/11-24 A and 35/11-24 B were drilled in 356m of water and encountered oil and gas in the Heather formation. The licensees will evaluate the discovery for tie-in to existing infrastructure.

Jul 2020: Equinor (operator) completed the drilling of 34/7-E-4 AH northwest of the Vigdis Vest field in PL089 at a water depth of 283m. The wildcat well encountered an oil column of 20m in the Rannoch Formation. It will be considered for tie-in to the Vigdis field.

Jul 2020: Equinor (operator) discovered gas in the Atlantis well number 30/2-5S, PL 878, 17 kms south of the Kvitebjørn field. The reservoir is in the Brent Group and water depth is 142m.

Jul 2020: Neptune (operator, 40%), Concedo (20%), Petrolia NOCO (20%), and Idemitsu (20%) announced an oil discovery at the 34/4-15 Dugong well (PL 882). A contingent side-track may be drilled to further define the extent of the discovery. Dugong lies at a water depth of 330m near to the Snorre field.

Jun 2020: The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy  announced plans to offer up to 136 oil exploration blocks in the 25th Licensing Round (125 are in the Barents Sea, the rest in the Norwegian Sea). Allocation is expected during the second half of 2021.

Jun 2020: Energy companies can apply to explore in 36 brand new exploration blocks after parliament agreed on an extension of the ice edge boundary to the southern fringe of the permanent ice sheet. Anything north of that line is considered off-limits for oil drilling.

May 2020: Due to COVID-19, Equinor has delayed the Njord field re-development in the Norwegian Sea. First production is now expected in the second half of 2021. The Neptune-operated Fenja project, under development as a subsea tieback to Njord, will probably come onstream in Q1 2022.

Apr 2020: Norway will cut output to support prices. Production will reduce by 250,000 bbls per day in June and by 134,000 bbls per day for the rest of the year. Start-up of several fields will be delayed until 2021. However, the reference point for reduction is 1.859 mm bbls per day; significantly more than its 2019 production.

Apr 2020: Neptune (operator, 30%), Vår Energi, (45%), Suncor (17.5%) and DNO (7.5%) have commenced drilling on the Fenja field in the Norwegian Sea north of Kristiansund at a water depth of 320m. It will deliver around 40,000 boe per day at plateau and will be developed as a 6-well tie-back to the Njord-A platform. However, due to COVID-19 start-up is delayed to Q4 2021.

Apr 2020: Aker BP started production from the first Ærfugl phase 2 well in the Norwegian Sea via the Skarv FPSO. The remaining 2 wells start-up in 2021. Phase 1 (3 wells) in the south of the field will start-up in late 2020. Total investment is US$755mm. The company has stopped non-sanctioned projects, including Hod redevelopment which was about to be sanctioned.

Apr 2020: The NPD announced that planned exploration activity has already been reduced by 10 exploration wells in 2020 due to COVID-19 and the oil price decline but production will be maintained for now. However, companies have initiated measures that could have long-term effects on production.

Apr 2020: Wintershall (operator) has discovered oil and gas in well 6406/3-10 (Bergknapp), 8 kms west of the Maria field in the Norwegian Sea. This is the first exploration well in PL 836 in a water depth of 312m.

Apr 2020: Aker BP (operator) has discovered a small gas field, termed Nidhogg, in well 6506/5-1S in PL1008 50 kms SW of the Skarv field in the Norwegian Sea  The well encountered a 15m gas column in the Upper Cretaceous Lysing Formation. Water depth is 409m.

Mar 2020: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has proposed 36 new blocks for the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2020 The blocks are all extensions west in the Norwegian Sea.

Mar 2020: Equinor expects the Johan Sverdrup field to reach plateau production for the 1st phase in May, earlier than anticipated. Plateau production will increase from 440,000 to 470,000 bbls of oil per day.

Mar 2020: Aker BP is putting on hold all non-sanctioned development projects, postponing exploration wells and reducing costs, by around 20% of capex. Johan Sverdrup phase II, Ærfugl phase I and completion of the Valhall Flank West project will continue as planned.

Mar 2020: MOL Norge (operator, 40%) has tested oil and gas in well 25/8-19S (Evra) and appraisal well 25/8-19A (Iving) within PL820S in a water depth of 126m. The wells lie 8 kms NW of the Balder and Ringhorne fields in the Central North Sea. The licence was awarded in APA 2015 and partners are Lundin (40%), Pandion (10%) and Wintershall (10%).

Mar 2020: Equinor has drilled 2 wells on the Sigrun East prospect in PL025/187, 11 kms southeast of the Gudrun field in a water depth of 109 m. The main well encountered oil in 3 zones in sandstones of the Hugin formation. Both wells were follow-ups to the 2018 Sigrun appraisal well. Probable development will be tied back to the Gudrun facilities.

Jan 2020: The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has offered 69 production licenses in the Award in Pre-Defined Areas 2019 (APA 2019). The licenses are in the North Sea (33), the Norwegian Sea (23) and the Barents Sea (13). A total of 28 oil companies are offered interests in one or more licenses with19 offered operatorships.

Jan 2020: Lundin has ruled out a standalone joint development of the Alta and Gotha fields in the Barents Sea following a downgrade of Alta’s resource estimate. A subsea tieback to Johan Castberg is now the most viable option. The company will drill several prospects in the Loppa High area of the Barents Sea in 2020.


Nov 2019: Equinor (operator, 45%), Idemitsu (15%) and Neptune (15%) discovered oil and gas in the Echino South well in the northern North Sea near the Fram field in 350m of water. It will likely be tied back to existing infrastructure. A sidetrack is planned before moving the rig to drill production wells on the Askeladd North field.

Oct 2019: Equinor (operator, 42.6%) has started production at the Johan Sverdrup field ahead of schedule. It will produce up to 660,000 bbls of oil per day at plateau. Lundin holds 20%, Petoro (17.36%), Aker BP (11.5733%) and Total (8.44%).

Sep 2019: Equinor started production from the Utgard gas and condensate field, spanning the Norwegian-UK border in the North Sea. The development consists of 2 subsea wells tied back to the Sleipner field on the Norwegian side of the border, with one well on each side.

Sep 2019: Equinor (operator, 40%), AkerBP (30%) and Wellesley (30%) have found gas in the Ørn (6507/2-5S) well SW of the Marulk field in PL 942 in the Norwegian Sea. Water depth is 332m and the well has been permanently plugged and abandoned.

Sep 2019: A total of 33 companies, including ConocoPhillips, Repsol, Aker BP, Total, and Equinor, applied for offshore acreage offered as part of the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2019. The NPD will announce which companies will be offered interests early in 2020.

Sep 2019: Equinor (operator, 51%), with Wintershall (24%), OMV (15%) and ConocoPhillips (10%), started production from the Snefrid Nord gas and condensate field; the first discovery tied back to the Aasta Hansteen field. Discovered in 2015, field development cost US$132mm. Aasta Hansteen came onstream in December 2018.

Aug 2019: Equinor (operator, 55%) with OMV (25%) and Petoro (20%) made a Triassic oil discovery in the Sputnik well in the Barents Sea, 7324/6 (PL855), 30 kms NE of the Wisting discovery. Recoverable resources are estimated at 20-65 mm bbs of oil.

Jul 2019:Aker BP (operator) completed drilling wildcat well 25/2-21 (Liatårnet).in PL 442, 40 kms NE of the Alvheim field in the Central North Sea in a water depth of 110m. The well found oil in the Early Miocene Skade formation.has been permanently plugged and abandoned.

Jul 2019: Equinor (operator, 59.1%), with ExxonMobil (33%) and Var Energi (7.9%), began production from the 76 mm bbl Trestakk field in the Norwegian Sea, tied back to the Åsgard A FPV. Trestakk includes a subsea template with 4 slots and 1 satellite well (3 producers and 2 gas injectors) and will produce 44,000 bbls of oil per day at peak.

Jul 2019: ConocoPhillips (operator, 30.66%) submitted a Plan for Development and Operation (PDO) for Tor II in the Greater Ekofisk area in the Central North Sea. The Tor field was originally shut down in 2015 and will re-start in late 2020.

Jun 2019: Lundin (operator, 65%), with OMV (20%) and Wintershall (15%), announced 2 oil discoveries in wells 16/1-31S (Jorvik) and 16/1-31A (Tellus East) on the eastern edge of the Edvard Grieg field in PL338 on the Utsira High. Both discoveries can be developed with wells from the Edvard Grieg platform.

Jun 2019: Equinor (operator) with Ineos and Faroe Petroleum made an oil and gas discovery in well 6507/3-13 (Snadd Outer Outer/Black Vulture) within PL159B in the Norwegian Sea.

May 2019: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announced the APA 2019 licensing round (5 blocks in the North Sea, 37 in the Norwegian Sea, and 48 in the Barents Sea). APA was introduced in 2003 to ease exploration in mature parts of the Shelf. The application deadline is Aug 27, 2019 with awards at the beginning of 2020.

May 2019: The PDO for the second phase of the Johan Sverdrup field has been formally approved by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy. Start-up in 2022 will increase production from 440,000 to 660,000 bbls of oil per day. The first phase is expected to start in November 2019.

May 2019: The NPD consented to Equinor (operator) start-up of the Trestakk field in PL091 of the Norwegian Sea. Capex will be US$550 mm tapping reserves of 67 mmbbls of oil and 1.4 bcm of gas (re-injected). The field has a subsea template with 4 well slots and one satellite well, tied 25 kms through a 12 inch pipeline to Asgard A

Mar 2019: Lundin (operator, 65%), with OMV (20%) and Wintershall (15%), has submitted the PDO (capex US$740mm) for the Solveig (formerly Luno II) oil field in PL 359. It will have 5 wells tied to the Edvard Grieg field from where oil will be piped to the Sture terminal and gas will be exported to the UK. Start-up is planned for Q1 2021.

Mar 2019: Spirit Energy (operator, 40%), with Suncor (30%), Faroe Petroleum (15%) and Aker BP (15%) has started production of oil and gas from the Oda field 13 kms east of Ula in the North Sea. Oda is a subsea development tied to the Ula platform for processing and transport.

Mar 2019: Norway has proposed to add new blocks in its annual Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) licensing round; 48 in the Barents Sea, 37 in the Norwegian Sea and 5 in the North Sea. They include areas close to planned and existing infrastructure.

Mar 2019: Equinor (operator) has discovered a small oil field in the Telesto well (34/8-18S) in production licence 120 drilled from the Visund A platform in 335m of water. The well encountered an oil column of 115m in the Statfjord group with a total of 37m of reservoir sandstones.

Jan 2019: The energy ministry offered 83 licenses in the Award in Pre-Defined Areas 2018 (APA 2018). This is the largest award ever. The licenses are in the North Sea (37), Norwegian Sea (32) and Barents Sea (14) with 33 companies gaining one or more interests (21 as operator). Equinor won 29 (13 as operator) and Aker BP won 21 (11 as operator).

Jan 2019: The NPD forecasts that, after a decline in 2019, oil and gas production will increase from 2020 to 2023. Exploration activity was higher in 2018 than in 2017 and a record 87 new production licences were awarded with 11 discoveries made. There are 83 currently producing fields. Aasta Hansteen came on stream in 2018.  

Jan 2019: The Norwegian authorities have approved Spirit Energy’s (operator) start-up of the subsea development of the Oda field in the North Sea in February. Estimated reserves 32 mm bbls. The oil will be piped to the Ula platform with gas used for injection on the Ula field. The oil will be exported via Ekofisk to the Teesside terminal in the UK.


Dec 2018: Equinor and its partners started gas and condensate production from the Aasta Hansteen field in the Norwegian Sea. In 1,300m of water, it is the deepest field on the NCS shelf and the largest spar platform in the world. Gas is produced from 7 wells in 3 subsea templates tied back with a 482km pipeline to Nyhamna.

Dec 2018: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has approved the plan for development and operation (PDO) of the Troll Phase 3 development with a CAPEX of US$918.5 million extending the productive life of the Troll field beyond 2050. Partners are Equinor (operator, 30.58% ), Petoro (56%), Shell (8.10%), Total (3.69%) and ConocoPhillips (1.62%).

Oct 2018: Equinor (operator) with ENI and Petoro drilled the Skruis exploration well in the Johan Castberg licence of the Barents Sea, confirming a recoverable oil volume of 12-25 mm bbls. The Johan Castberg field is planned to start-up in 2022 and has full capacity up to 2027. Skruis, along with Kayak, discovered in 2017, will eventually be tied-in.

Oct 2018: The Vestflanken 2 field has come online using the first unmanned platform on the Norwegian Shelf; Oseberg H, remote-operated from the Oseberg field (bridge-linked A, B, D and C in the north). Capex was US$795 mm. Partners are Equinor (operator, 49.3%), Petoro (33.6%), Total (14.7%) and ConocoPhillips (2.4%).

Oct 2018: Equinor (operator), Eni and Petoro have completed an appraisal well on the Cape Vulture discovery of 2017 ,confirming around 50-70 mm bbls of recoverable oil. This doubles the remaining oil to be produced through the Norne field. Norne, Alve, Urd, Skuld and Marulk, which all produce into the FPSO, are together estimated at 40 mm bbls.

Sep 2018: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received applications from 38 companies for exploration acreage in the licensing round Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2018. The objective is to award new production licenses at the beginning of 2019.

Sep 2018: The Visund Nord IOR project has come onstream; a subsea development with 2 new wells in a new template tied back to the C template on Visund. From here oil is piped to the Visund platform. The project adds 13.3 mm bbls to the field. Partners are Equinor (operator, 53.2%), Petoro (30%), ConocoPhillips (9.1%) and Repsol (7.7%).

Jun 2018: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy awarded 12 licenses (9 in the Barents Sea and 3 in the Norwegian Sea) covering 47 blocks in the 24th licensing round, representing nearly half the acreage on offer. Eleven companies were offered participating interest with 6 operatorships (Shell, Aker BP,Equinor, Lundin, OMV and Spirit).

Jun 2018: Equinor (operator) with partners Lundin and Spirit have discovered oil in well 16/1-29 S (PL 167) in the Central North Sea. The discovery is estimated to contain 15-35 mm bbls of recoverable oil equivalent. PL 167 was awarded in the 12th licensing round (1991) and 6 wells have now been drilled.

May 2018: The annual general meeting (AGM) of shareholders in Statoil approved the board of directors’ proposal to change the company name to Equinor. The Articles of Association is amended to 'Equinor ASA' as the company name.

May 2018: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announced the APA 2018 licensing round, comprising a total of 103 blocks in the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea, and the Barents Sea. The application deadline September 4, 2018 and awards will be announced Q1 2019.

Apr 2018: Faroe Petroleum (20%) along with OMV (operator, 30%), Statoil (40%) and Spirit (10%) announced gas/condensate discoveries in the Cretaceous Hades and Jurassic Iris prospects in licence PL 644B in the Norwegian Sea in one well, 6506/11-10. They lie 8 kms north of the Morvin Field and 20 kms northwest of the Asgard Complex. An appraisal programme will be started.

Mar 2018: The Ministry of Energy approved Aker BP’s development plans for the Valhall Flank West and Skogul fields. Valhall Flank Vest (60mm bbls) is a further development of Valhall in the southern part of the the North Sea. Startup is expected in Q4 2019. The Skogul field (10mm bbls) in the middle of the North Sea will be developed as a subsea tieback to Alvheim with startup in 2020.

Mar 2018: The directors of Statoil have proposed to change the name to Equinor to support company development as a broad energy company. Equinor is formed by combining equi, the starting point for words like equal, equality and equilibrium, and nor, for Norway.

Feb 2018: Aker BP (operator, 65%) discovered oil and gas in the Frosk exploration well 24/9-12 near Alvheim in PL340, which also contains the Boyla field. Boyla has been producing oil since 2015 through a subsea installation tied back to the Alvheim FPSO. Partners are Point Resources (20%) and Lundin (15%).

Jan 2018: Thirty four companies have been offered 75 production licenses in a record breaking APA (Awards in Pre-defined Areas) round. Of the 75, 45 are in the North Sea, 22 in the Norwegian Sea and 8 in the Barents Sea. Twenty two are additional acreage for existing licenses and 3 are divided stratigraphically. Statoil received the highest number, followed by Aker BP and Lundin.


Jul 2017: Statoil (operator, 70%) has started production from the Byrding oil and gas field north of the Troll field in the North Sea. Partners are Engie (15%) and Idemitsu (15%). The development includes a 2-branch multilateral well drilled from the Fram H-Nord subsea template, through which oil and gas flow to Troll C. The oil is routed to Mongstad and the gas via Troll A to Kollsnes.

Jul 2017: Statoil will develop the Snefrid Nord gas discovery in the Norwegian Sea. Discovered in 2015, it is scheduled to come on stream in late 2019 and will be tied back to Aasta Hansteen. Recoverable reserves are estimated at 5 bcm of gas with capex at US$143 million.

Jul 2017: Eni has discovered oil in Cretaceous sandstones in well 7219/9-2 (Kayak) in the PL532 license, southwest of the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea. Preliminary estimates of the size of the discovery are between 25 – 50 mm bbls of oil recoverable.

Jul 2017: Statoil has started production on the Gina Krog oil and gas field in the North Sea tied into Sleipner A and existing gas export pipelines. Oil is transported by an FSO located on the field. Gina Krog was a small gas discovery made in 1974 with oil first drilled in 2007.

Jun 2017: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announced the 24th licensing round including 102 blocks, 9 in the Norwegian Sea and 93 in the Barents Sea for award new during the first half of 2018.

'May 2017: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announced a licensing round for mature areas, Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2017. The predefined area is expanded by 87 blocks; 34 in the Norwegian Sea and 53 in the Barents Sea. Applications can be submitted for any blocks not already included in a license. The application deadline is September with awards announced in Q1 2018.

Mar 2017: Maersk (operator, 6.255% and 65.941%) began oil production from the Flyndre field tied back to the Clyde platform in the UK. The field is Block 1/5 (Norway) and Blocks 30/13 and 30/14 (UK). It was discovered in 1974 and straddles the boundary. Partners are Repsol Sinopec (4.24% and 22.739%), Statoil Petroleum (0.471%) and Petoro (0.354%).

Mar 2017: The government proposed 102 nominated blocks for public consultation in the 24th licensing round, 93 in the Barents Sea and 9 in the Norwegian Sea. All comments regarding the nominated blocks must be submitted to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy before May.

Feb 2017: Lundin (operator, 35%) made an oil and gas discovery in well 7219/12-1 on the Filicudi prospect in PL533, 40 kms southwest of Johan Castberg on the Loppa high in the Barents Sea.

Jan 2017: The Oil Ministry awarded 56 exploration licences to 29 companies in mature areas or areas already opened for exploration, aiming to ensure maximum use of existing platforms, pipes and other infrastructure. A total of 33 firms applied, down from 43 in the previous round. Of the 56, 36 are in the North Sea, 17 in the Norwegian Sea and 3 in the Barents Sea.

Jan 2017: Statoil (operator, 64%) discovered oil and gas at the Cape Vulture well (6608/10-17) in license 128D on the Nordland Ridge. Recoverable reserves are estimated at between 20 and 80 mm bbls. A tie-back to the Norne FPSO will be considered. Partners are Petoro (24.5%) and ENI (11.5%).


Dec 2016: Aker BP (operator, 34.7862%) produced first oil from the Ivar Aasen field in the Northern North Sea. It contains around 186 mm boe. Nearby Hanz with 18 mm boe will be developed in phase two. Oil and gas is processed and exported from the Grieg platform. Partners are Statoil (41.4730%), Bayerngas (12.3173%), Wintershall (6.4651%), VNG (3.0230%), Lundin (1.3850%) and Okea (0.5540%).

Dec 2016: Norway launched its 2017 licensing round for mature areas covering 87 new blocks close to existing developments and discoveries. The round will include 53 blocks in the Barents Sea and 34 in the Norwegian Sea. Final awards could take place in January 2018. A total of 33 firms applied for acreage in the 2016 round with awards due in January 2017.

Nov 2016: Lundin (operator, 40%) has completed the Neiden exploration well, 7220/6-2R, as an oil and gas discovery in PL609. It is 60 kms northeast of the Alta discovery on the Loppa High in the southern Barents Sea. The semisub rig will now move to the Filicudi Prospect in PL533 to the northwest of Alta and south of Johan Castberg.

Nov 2016: Aker BP announced start-up of Viper-Kobra tied back to the Alvheim FPSO. Development includes 2 wells, subsea installations, pipelines and hook-up. Viper-Kobra consists of two discoveries, Kobra, discovered in 1997, and Viper, discovered in 2009, both included in the PDO for Alvheim.

Sep 2016: The deadline for applications to APA 2016 has expired and 33 companies have shown an interest; a decline compared to 2015 when 43 companies applied.

Aug 2016: DNO (operator, 90%) announced that well 25/2-18S on the Langfjellet Prospect in PL 442 encountered a gross oil column of 109m in the Vestland Group. The licensees will evaluate the discovery with regards to a potential development. LOTOS holds the remaining 10%.

Aug 2016: The government has invited oil companies to nominate blocks for the 24th licencing round on the Norwegian continental shelf covering frontier areas. Nominations must be received by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy by 30 November 2016.

Aug 2016: Statoil reports that Gullfaks Rimfaksdalen (GRD) gas field is on stream, 4 months ahead of plan. The licensees are Statoil (operator, 51%), Petoro (30%) and OMV (19%). The development consists of a subsea template in 135m of water with 2 gas production wells connected to the existing pipeline leading to the Gullfaks A platform.

Aug 2016: Statoil (operator, 45%) started production from the Fram C East field, a long well drilled from the Fram subsea template. Production is tied back to Troll C, with gas sent to Kollsnes via Troll A and oil piped to Mongstad. Statoil recently submitted a POD for the Byrding field north of Fram, also tied to Troll C. Partners are ExxonMobil (25%), Engie (15%) and Idemitsu (15%).

Aug 2016: Statoil has submitted the PDO and Field Development Plan (FDP) for the Utgard gas and condensate discovery. Utgard is 21 kms from the Sleipner field and straddles the UK-Norway median line, although mostly in Norway. The development will include 2 subsea wells, one on each side of the median line with all infrastructure in Norway. It is scheduled for start-up in late 2019.

Jun 2016: Faroe Petroleum (operator, 50%) and Point Resources (50%) announced the Brasse oil and gas discovery (31/7-1) in licence PL740 in the Northern North Sea. They will now drill a sidetrack to confirm the reservoir and contacts. The field could be tied-back to the Brage production facilities.

May 2016: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has offered 10 new production licenses in the Barents Sea to 13 companies in the 23rd licensing round. The work programs include a requirement for 4 exploration wells within 3 years in the 3 production licenses in the southeastern Barents Sea.

Mar 2016: The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy launched the APA 2016 licensing round comprising predefined areas. The new areas include 24 blocks in the Norwegian Sea and 32 in the Barents Sea. Applications close in September and awards will be announced in 1Q 2017.

Mar 2016: After reports of shutdowns for the Jotun, Varg, Jette and Oselvar fields Statoil (operator, 59.6%) will stop production from the Volve field. Plugging operations will begin in June and l be completed by the end of 2016. Partners are ExxonMobil (30.4%) and Bayerngas (10%).

Mar 2016: Eni (operator, 65%) and Statoil (35%) have started production at the Goliat field, 85 kms NW of Hammerfest. The field lies within PL 229 in an ice-free area in the Barents Sea and has been developed with a cylindrical FPSO and 22 subsea wells. Output is planned at 100,000 bbls of oil per day from reserves of 180 mm bbls.

Mar 2016: Statoil has begun drilling the first of 35 wells on the Johan Sverdrup field development. The field is due onstream late in 2019.

Feb 2016: ExxonMobil (operator, 45%) is planning to shut down the Jotun field by plugging 22 production wells. Abandonment  will be completed during 2017. The Jotun platform will be taken apart and the FPSO will be re-used at another location. Partners are Dana (45%), DNO (7%) and Faroe (3%).

Feb 2016: Statoil will halt production from the Njord and Hyme fields for 3 years  after which the Njord A and B facilities will be towed to shore. The Njord Future Project includes re-development of the fields and development of the Snilehorn field. Production is planned to start in 2019.

Jan 2016: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy offered 56 exploration licenses in its latest round following applications from 43 companies in APA 2015. Of the 56, 27 are in the North Sea, 24 in the Norwegian Sea and 5 in the Barents Sea. Petoro will manage the State’s Direct Financial Interest (SDFI) in 13. Statoil has been offered 24, including 13 operatorships.


Dec 2015: Twenty six companies applied for  production licenses in Norway’s 23rd licensing round which comprised 57 frontier blocks (3 in the Norwegian Sea and 54 in the Barents Sea). Thirty six companies applied for production licences in the 22nd licensing round. The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy plans awards in mid-year 2016.

Nov 2015: Lundin (operator, 50%) announced first oil and gas from the Edvard Grieg field in PL338 on the Utsira High. It has been developed with a steel jacket platform. A total of 10 production wells and 4 water injection wells are planned. Partners are OMV (20%), Statoil (15%) and Wintershall (15%).

Oct 2015: Centrica (operator) and partners, Suncor, Faroe and Tullow, will develop the Butch field, in PL 205 in the Central North Sea, as a subsea tie-in to Ula. Oil will be exported via Ula to Ekofisk and into Norpipe with gas injected into Ula. Startup is planned for 2019 with peak production of up to 35,000 bbls of oil per day.

Oct 2015: Production from the Aasta Hansteen gas field operated by Statoil could be delayed until 2018 from 2017. It will be developed using a SPAR platform; the first in Norway.

Sep 2015: The NPD announced it has received applications from 43 companies for predefined areas - APA 2015 (127 608 sq kms) with interest greatest in the Norwegian Sea. In APA 2014 it received applications from 47 companies for 109,205 sq kms.

Aug 2015: ENI (operator, 65%) and Statoil (35%) will start production from the $5.6bn, 174 mm bbl, Goliat field, the world’s most northerly field, after 2 years of delay. Output in 2016 will be around 90,000 bbls per day using an FPSO and shuttle tankers. Associated gas will be reinjected.

Jul 2015: Statoil (operator) and Total have made a gas/condensate discovery at the 2/4-23S well (Julius) in the King Lear area in PL146/PL333. The well also appraised the King Lear gas/condensate discovery made in 2012.

Jul 2015: Petrobel (operator, 75%), equally owned by ENI and EGPC, reported a gas discovery in the Nidoco NW2 Dir (Nooros) well in the Abu Madi West license, onshore the Nile Delta. It will be onstream by October with a tie-in to the Abu Madi treatment plant. BP is a partner (25%).

Jun 2015: Statoil has made a gas discovery in well 6706/11-2 (Gymir) in the Aasta Hansteen area. The estimated total volume in 3 neighbouring discoveries, Snefrid Nord, Roald Rygg and Gymir, is up to 120 mm bbls of oil equivalent. Aasta Hansteen will be the largest SPAR platform in the world with production start-up expected in 2017.

Apr 2015: Wintershall, operator of PL 589, discovered oil in well 6406/2-8 in the Norwegian Sea south of the Kristin field in 282m of water. This is the first well in PL 589, awarded in APA 2010.

Apr 2015: The pre-defined areas (APA) 2015 licencing round has been announced including 35 in the Norwegian Sea and 11 in the Barents Sea. It has been expanded to include blocks near recent discoveries including Aasta Hansteen and Gohta and the smaller Pil and Bue discoveries. The country awarded 54 licences to 42 companies in the 2014 round.

Apr 2015: Statoil (operator, 42.5%), with Petoro (20%), Centrica (20%), Wintershall (10%) and Atlantic (7.5%), made a  gas discovery in the Roald Rygg well (6706/12-3, PL 602) in the Norwegian Sea; the second in the Aasta Hansteen area in 2015 after Snefrid South. Aasta Hansteen will be the largest SPAR platform in the world with start-up expected in 2017.

Mar 2015: BG (operator, 45%) announced the Knarr oil field in the North Sea has started production through the Knarr FPSO. Knarr was discovered in 2008 and has reserves of 80 mm bbls. Partners are Idemitsu (25%), Wintershall (20%) and DEA (10%).

Mar 2015: ConocoPhillips, with partners Statoil and Total, cancelled the US2$bn development of the Tommeliten Alpha gas/condensate field due to the low oil prices. Four wells have been drilled, the last in 2003 and it was to be developed by re-using the Huldra field topsides on a new steel jacket tied-in to Ekofisk.

Feb 2015: Statoil has submitted the plan for development and operation (PDO) for Johan Sverdrup. Capex is estimated at NOK170-220 bn with reserves of up to 3 bn bbls oil equivalent. Phase one has 4 bridge-linked platforms and 3 subsea water injection templates. Production capacity will be up to 380,000 bbls per day with first oil planned for late 2019.

Feb 2015: Lundin (operator, 35%) drilled well 26/10-1 (Zulu), 30 kms NE of the Johan Sverdrup discovery. The well, a gas discovery, was drilled in a water depth of 140 m is the first in licence PL 674BS. Petrolia Norway (35%) and EON (30%) are partners.

Jan 2015: Drilling has commenced on the Ivar Aasen field by the world’s largest jack-up. DNO is operator (34.7862%) of PLs 001B, 028B, 242, 338 and 457 with Statoil, Bayerngas, Wintershall, VNG, Lundin and OMV. The field will have 8 production and 7 water injection wells in 3 deposits (Ivar Aasen, West Cable and Hanz). Start-up is planned for late 2016.

Jan 2015: The Government has offered interests in 54 new production licences in the Pre-defined Areas 2014 (APA 2014) to 43 different companies. The licences are in the North Sea (34), the Norwegian Sea (16) and the Barents Sea (4). There is a requirement for acquisition of new seismic in 5 areas and 3 firm wells must be drilled with drill or drop terms in others.

Jan 2015: The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has announced the 23rd licensing round consisting of 57 blocks or part blocks. A total of 34 blocks are in the SE Barents Sea (formerly disputed with Russia), 20 blocks are in other parts of the Barents Sea and 3 blocks are in the Norwegian Sea. The application deadline is 2 December 2015.

Jan 2015: DNO started up the Boyla oil field in the North Sea through subsea equipment tied back to the Alvheim FPSO. DNO is operator (65%) with Core Energy (20%) and Lundin (15%).

Jan 2015: Wood Mackenzie reports that 2014 activity was steady but a slowdown is expected in 2015. Well numbers matched 2013 and discovery volumes equalled the 10-year average. However there were only 4 significant discoveries including Pil & Bue in the Norwegian Sea and the Alta field in the Barents Sea. Statoil accounted for 35% of total spending.

Jan 2015: ConocoPhillips started oil production from Eldfisk II which includes plans for 40 production and injection wells. Output will ramp up over 3 years as they are brought online. The Greater Ekofisk Area comprises 4 fields: Ekofisk, Eldfisk, Embla and Tor. ConocoPhillips (35.1%) is operator with Total (39.9%), Eni (12.4%), Statoil (7.6%) and Petoro (5.0%).

Jan 2015: Statoil announced that the Valemon gas and condensate field has been brought onstream. Reserves are estimated at 192 mm bbls of oil equivalent. Valemon will be Statoil’s first platform remotely controlled from Bergen, onshore when drilling is completed in 2017. Condensate will be piped to Kvitebjorn  and gas will be sent to Heimdal.


Dec 2014: The PL528B Ivory deep water well (6707/10-3S) in the Norwegian Sea has discovered gas. The discovery can be tied back to the Statoil operated Aasta Hansteen field, 20kms to the SW and due to come on stream in 2017. Partners are Centrica (operator, 40%), Atlantic (9%), Statoil (25%), Wintershall (10%), Rocksource (10%) and Repsol (6%).

Oct 2014: Lundin has announced that exploration well 7220/11-1 (PL 609), on the Alta prospect in the Loppa High area of the Barents Sea in 388m of water, has encountered both oil and gas. The well is 20 kms NE of the Gohta discovery.  Lundin is operator with 40%. Partners areRWE (30%) and Idemitsu (30%).

Sep 2014: Statoil has  found gas in the Pingvin prospect (7319/12-1) in PL 713 in the Barents Sea, NW of Johan Castberg. However, the discovery is assessed as non-commercial. Statoil is operator (40%) with partners RN Nordic Oil (20%), North Energy (20%) and Edison (20%).

Sep 2014: The NPD has has received applications from 47 companies for predefined areas (APA) 2014 on the Norwegian shelf. In APA 2013 the authorities received applications from 50 companies. The awards will take place in early 2015.

Jul 2014: Faroe (25%), along with VNG Norge (operator, 30%), Spike (30%) and Rocksource (15%) announced a successful side-track well on the Bue Prospect (6406/12-3 A) in the Norwegian Sea, 2.1 kms northeast of the Pil discovery well . The Pil and Bue discoveries are 33 kms southeast of the Njord platform.

Jul 2014: OMV, the operator of PL 537, has announced a discovery in well 7324/7-2 Hanssen in the Barents Sea 7 kms NW of the 7324/8-1 Wisting Central oil discovery. Hanssen is the third well drilled in PL 537, awarded in the 20th round in 2009. Water depth is 417m. OMV has 25% with joint venture partners Petoro (20%), Idemitsu (20%), Tullow (20%) and Statoil (15%).

Jun 2014: Lundin reports that the Brynhild field in PL 148 has been delayed due to commissioning issues related to the Haewene Brim FPSO operated by Shell on the Pierce Field in the UK sector. Production start-up is now expected late in the third quarter of 2014. The field is a subsea tie-back to Pierce. Lundin is the operator of PL 148 with 90%, along with Talisman (10%).

May 2014: Statoil has made an oil and gas discovery in the Drivis Prospect (well 7220/7-3 in PL532) in the Barents Sea near the Johan Castberg field. Five wells have been drilled back-to-back in the area but only two have resulted in oil discoveries. Statoil is operator for PL532 with 50%, along with Eni (30%) and Petoro (20%).

Apr 2014: Statoil has started production from 7 wells in the Gudrun field in the North Sea (PL025); the first Statoil-operated platform to come on stream on the Norwegian shelf since 2005. Gudrun is an HP/HT field with oil and gas sent to Sleipner, where it is processed before the oil is sent to Karsto and gas to Europe through existing pipelines. Statoil has 51%, along with GDF Suez (25%) and OMV (24%).

Mar 2014: An oil and gas discovery at the Pil well in the Norwegian Sea  has been announced. Well 6406/12-3S in PL586 encountered a reservoir in the Jurassic Rogn Formation similar to the Draugen oil field. The licence is operated by operated by VNG Norge (30%) with partners Faroe (25%), Spike Exploration (30%) and Rocksource (15%).

Feb 2014: Total has discovered oil on the Trell (25/5-9) well in licence PL102 F/G in the Northern North Sea intersecting 19m of net pay in the Heimdal reservoir 10 kms from the Heimdal production hub. The licensees are Total, operator (40%), Petoro (30%), Lotos Exploration and Production (10%), DNO (10%) and Ithaca (10%).

Feb 2014: Statoil has made a gas discovery in the Kramsno Prospect, PL532 in the Barents Sea near the Johan Castberg field. Out of the 4 wells drilled around this field only one has resulted in an oil discovery. The last prospect to be tested will be Drivis. Statoil is operator with 50%, along with Eni (30%) and Petoro (20%).

Feb 2014: First phase development of the Johann Sverdrup field will consist of 4 steel platforms in 120m of water linked by bridges, power from shore and dedicated pipelines. The field is expected to start production in late 2019 with a plateau of up to 650,000 boe per day. In PL 265, PL 501 and PL502, Statoil is lead operator with partners Lundin, Maersk Oil, DNO and Petoro.

Jan 2014: The Norwegian government has offered 65 new production licences to 48 companies following evaluation of applications from 50 companies in the Awards in Pre-defined Areas (APA) 2013. Thirty eight licences are located in the North Sea, 19 in the Norwegian Sea and 8 in the Barents Sea.

Jan 2014: The NPD reports that 20 discoveries were made in 2013, 7 more than in 2012. Four new fields came on stream and 13 are being developed. Companies plan to submit another 13 plans for development over the next two years, 9 in the North Sea, 3 in the Norwegian Sea and 1 in the Barents Sea. The high level of E and P activity is expected to continue, but growth will cease.


Dec 2013:  The partners in the Johan Sverdrup oil field will spend US$16-21 bn in the first phase of development with production expected to start a year later than planned, in late 2019. Statoil, DNO, Petoro, Lundin and Maersk will announce the development concept for the field in early 2014. Johan Sverdrup is the 4th biggest oil discovery made off Norway.

Dec 2013: Statoil has made an oil and gas discovery at the Skavl prospect in PL 532 in the Barents Sea. Well 7220/7-2S was drilled close to the Johan Castberg discovery by the West Hercules semisub. Statoil estimates the volumes in Skavl to be between 20 and 50 mm bbls of recoverable oil. It operates PL532 with 50% along with Eni (30%) and Petoro (20%).

Nov 2013: Statoil plans up to 25 exploration wells on the NCS in 2014, including 7 new wells in the Barents Sea in the Hoop area and around Johan Castberg and wells in the North Sea around the King Lear discovery, the  Utsira High area and near to existing infrastructure for fast-track projects. In the Norwegian Sea deep-water wells in the Aasta Hansteen area are planned for 2015.

Nov 2013: Statoil has started production from Visund North in the North Sea, the sixth field that has started production of 12 fast track projects. It was developed with a 4 well subsea template and a new pipeline to the Visund A platform. The fast track fields already in production are Skuld, Stjerne, Vigdis North-east, Hyme and Visund South. Vilje South, Fram H-North, Svalin C, Gullfaks South oil, Oseberg Delta 2 and Gullfaks Rimfaksdalen remain.

Sep 2013: Statoil has said that start-up of the Njord expansion and Hyme field has been delayed until the second quarter of 2014. The small Hyme oil field is a subsea tieback to Njord A platform on the Halten Bank, discovered in 2009.

Sep 2013: A record 50 companies, including all majors except BP, applied to take part in the mature areas licensing round. Most interest is in the north part of the North Sea and the central part of the Norwegian Sea. The oil ministry expects to award licences in January 2014. In the 2012 round, applications were received from 47 companies and 51 licences were awarded.

Sep 2013: Lundin has made an oil and gas discovery at its Gohta prospect in the Barents Sea, PL 492, 35 kms northwest of Statoil’s Snohvit gas field. Lundin will carry out a DST on the well drilled in a water depth of 342m. Lundin is operator with 40% along with DNO (40%) and Noreco (25%).

Sep 2013: OMV has announced that the Wisting Central well (7324/8 -1 in PL537) in a water depth of 373m has made the first oil discovery in the Hoop-Maud Basin of the Barents Sea, encountering 55m of net light oil pay. Further delineation of the discovery will be required. OMV is operator with 25% along with Tullow (20%), Idemitsu (20%), Statoil (15%) and Petoro (20%).

Jun 2013: Eni and Statoil have been awarded exploration licenses in the Barents Sea in Norway's 22nd licensing round. Eni has been awarded 4 licences and will be operator in 3 (PL 717, 712 and 716). It will also have an interest in PL 714, where Statoil is operator. Statoil has been awarded 7 licenses, PL 714 (adjacent to its Johan Castberg field), 713 and 615B as operator and a share in PL 712, 717, 718 and 720.

May 2013: Det norske oljeselskap (DNO) has initiated production from the first well on Jette, the first oil produced by DNO as operator,. Production from the second well is expected to commence soon. DNO holds 70% with Petoro (30%).

Apr 2013: Norway will open the previously disputed southeastern Barents Sea for exploration, the first time the area has been available since 1994. Following 40 years of dispute, Norway and Russia agreed on a delineation deal in 2010. The areas that will be opened for drilling are in the southern part of the disputed area.

Apr 2013: Lundin has announced that well 16/4-6S in PL359 on the Luno II prospect has resulted in a potentially significant oil discovery. The well was drilled in water depths of 101m on the south western flank of the Utsira High 15 kms south of the Edvard Grieg field. Lundin is with 40%, along with Statoil (30%) and Premier (30%).

Mar 2013: Statoil has started up production on the Stjerne field. Stjerne is the fifth of Statoil's fast-track projects to come onstream. Stjerne was discovered in 2009 and the field has a four-slot seabed template with two wells producing oil and gas and the other two injecting water into the reservoir for pressure support.

Mar 2013: Production has started at the Skuld field, comprising the Fossekall and Dompap discoveries in the Norwegian Sea and the largest of Statoil's 12 fast track development projects. It  has recoverable reserves estimated at 81 mm bbls of oil. The field is connected to the production vessel Norne which is producing for the Norne, Urd, Alve and Marulk fields. Statoil holds 39.1% with Petoro (54%) and Eni (6.9%). Statoil's last start-up was Vigdis, also in March.

Feb 2013: Statoil have chosen a development concept for the Skrugard and Havis fields discovered in 2011 in the Barents Sea. It includes a floating production unit with a 280 km pipeline to a terminal at Veidnes. The fields are scheduled to come on stream in 2018. Production from both fields will be tied in to a semi-submersible floating installation through a subsea production system located in 380m of water. Skrugard and Havis are independent structures within the same licence containing 400-600 mm bbls of oil. Statoil is operator with 50%, along with ENI (30%) and Petoro (20%).

Jan 2013: BP has begun oil production from the Valhall Re-Development Project giving a further 40-year design life. Production will build up to around 65,000 bbls per day in 2013. The redevelopment includes a new production, utilities and accommodation platform, a system of bridges and walkways linking to the existing complex and a 100% power-from-shore system via a 294 km cable from Lista. Discovered in 1975, first production from the Valhall field was in 1982 and the field now has 6 separate manned platforms and two unmanned platforms.  BP is the operator (35.9%) partnered with Hess (64.1%).

Jan 2013: Norway has offered shares in 51 new production licences to 40 companies in connection with the 2012 Awards in Predefined Areas (APA 2012). The licences are distributed among the North Sea (34), the Norwegian Sea (14) and the Barents Sea (3). Twenty three companies will be offered operatorships.


Sep 2012: Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2012 licensing round (mature areas) has generated record interest with 47 companies applying for 388 blocks. Awards are expected in January 2013. Last year’s round attracted applications from 43 companies for 108,430 sq kms, of which 21,372 sq kms were awarded. Norway is also offering 86 blocks in frontier acreage in the Barents and Norwegian Seas in a separate round with awards expected in mid 2013.

Aug 2012: Statoil has made a discovery in the North Sea's Utsira High area, PL265 permit, within the Geitungen prospect. Well 16/2-12 intercepted a 35m oil column within a Jurassic reservoir. Estimated volumes are between 140 and 270 mm bbls of recoverable oil. Geitungen has been individually defined in PL265 although it was drilled only 3 kms north of the important Johan Sverdrup field and is probably in communication.

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