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May 2019: Cairn has farmed into Equinor’s 4 offshore Pacific blocks (acquired in 2015) for a 35.1% non-operated interest. The blocks are C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-4 covering an area of 16,000 sq kms in the Sandino Basin. A potential exploration well is planned for 2020. Equinor is operator with 49.9% with Petronic (15%).
No significant news in 2018.
No significant news in 2017.
No significant news in 2016.
May 2015: Statoil (operator, 80%) and Petronic (20%) have been awarded 4 licences off the Pacific coast. The licences cover an area of 16,000 sq kms in the largely unexplored Sandino Basin. Work commitments include re-processing and acquisition of 2D seismic data.
Sep 2014: Statoil has secured rights to explore a 32,000 sq km offshore block. Along with Geoex the deal was signed with Nicaragua’s state-owned oil company DNP-Petronic. Statoil’s entry into an unexplored offshore region is in line with a strategy to access frontier regions.
Jan 2014: Infinity Energy Resources announced that CGG has completed a 2D seismic survey within the boundaries of Infinity’s 1.4 million-acre Tyra and Perlas blocks in the Caribbean Sea. A 3D seismic survey will be run in the second quarter of 2014.
Nov 2013: Noble Energy (operator, 70%) has announced that the Paraiso-1 well drilled in the Tyra Bank Concession in a water depth of 372m failed to locate hydrocarbons.
Jul 2013: Colombia's Foreign Ministry said a number of the offshore oil exploration blocks Nicaragua is auctioning are in parts of the Caribbean Sea that belong to Colombia and some are within the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve which covers 10% of the Caribbean and is environmentally protected. However, a ruling from the UN has recently increased designated sea territory in Nicaragua, which has also stated that it will not allow exploration in the Seaflower Reserve.
Apr 2013: Infinity Energy Resources have approval to proceed with exploration activities on the Tyra and Perlas blocks in the Caribbean Sea. Phase I includes mapping and Phase II involves drilling in 2014. Noble Energy has reported that it intends to commence drilling on its offshore Nicaraguan concession adjacent to Infinity's concession in the third quarter of 2013.