Some of the numbers presented in this website may not be the most recent available - copyright © 2009 to 2025; All rights reserved
Mar 2025: Sabah Shell produced first oil production from the Phase 4 Gumusut-Kakap-Geronggong-Jagus East (GKGJE) development offshore Sabah and Brunei. The project involved 4 new wells, 2 in Sabah and 2 in Brunei, tied back to the Gumusut-Kakap semisub FPS in 1,200m of water.
Feb 2025: Petroonas has concluded the Malaysia Bid Round 2024 (MBR 2024) with a total of 14 new PSCs signed involving 12 different operators. It has now launched MBR 2025 under the theme Advancing Progress with Advantaged Energy.
Nov 2024: Hibiscus delivered first oil from its South Furious field SF30 Phase 2 waterflood project in the North Sabah offshore PSC offshore. The D10 well is the 1st of 5 planned oil producer wells to go onstream drilled from the new SFJT-D WH platform over the South Furious field. Hibsicus also plans to drill 6 water injection wells.
Aug 2024: Petronas Carigali (operator, 90%) and E and P Malaysia Venture (EPMV, 10%) commenced gas production at the Kasawari field in Block SK316, 200 kms offshore Sarawak. Discovered in 2011, the field is planned to produce 5.5 bcm per year and includes a Central Processing Platform, a Flare Platform and a WH Platform. Gas is exported to the E11 production hub.
Jul 2024: SapuraOMV (operator, 40%) began gas production from the Jerun field offshore Sarawak in SK408. It will produce up to 5.5 bcm a year of gas and 15,000 bbls per day of condensate at peak through an 80 km pipeline into the E11RB production hub, thence to MLNG2. TotalEnergies will soon own the company.
Apr 2024: Hibiscus discovered oil with the Bunga Aster-1 well on the PM3 commercial arrangement area (CAA) PSC. The well encountered 17.5 m of oil-bearing sandstone. The company plans to evaluate and appraise the discovery to help delineate the size of the discovery.
Jan 2024: Petronas awarded PSCs for 6 blocks and one Discovered Resource Opportunities (DRO) cluster under Bid Round 2023 (MBR 2023) comprising 2 off Peninsular Malaysia, 3 off Sarawak and the DRO off Sabah. Petronas also launched MBR 2024 offering 5 blocks in Langkasuka Basin in the Straits of Melaka and Semporna and Sandakan Basins off eastern Sabah plus 5 DRO clusters off Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah.
Dec 2023: PTTEP has made oil and gas discoveries in 3 fields off Sarawak. They are Chenda-1 in Block SK405B and Bangsawan-1 and Babadon-1 in Block SK438. Thr Lang Lebah and Paprika gas fields in Block SK410B are under development.
Aug 2023: Shell (operator, 75%), Petronas Carigali (15%) and Brunei Energy Exploration (10%) announced that the Timi field in Block SK318 off the coast of Sarawak achieved first gas production. The development comprises a WH platform in 143m of water connected to the F23 production hub.
Jul 2023: Petronas Carigali made 6 oil and gas discoveries in 5 blocks off Sarawak. They are Gedombak in Block SK306 and Mirdanga in Block SK411 (Balingian province), Sinsing in Block SK313, Machinchang and Pangkin in Block SK301B, and Kalung Emas well in Block SK315 (iWest Luconia province).
Feb 2023: Petronas launched the Malaysia Bid Round 2023 (MBR 2023), offering 10 exploration blocks and two clusters of Discovered Resource Opportunities (DRO). The blocks are located within the Malay, Sabah and Sarawak basins and the new Penyu basin. Also offered are the shallow water Chenang DRO cluster in the Malay Basin and Bambazon DRO cluster in Sabah. Deadline for submissions is 15 Sept 2023.
Jan 2023: Petronas and contractors (PACs) made 10 oil and gas discoveries from 16 offshore exploratory wells drilled in 2022, a 60% success rate. There was an increase in responses to Malaysia Bid Round (MBR) 2022. Signing of PSCs are planned for February 2023, followed by MBR 2023.
Dec 2022: PTTEP (operator, 42.5% ) Kufpec (42.5%) and Petronas Carigali (15%) announced a gas discovery in exploration well Paprika-1 in Block SK410B in shallow waters 90 kms off the coast of Sarawak. It is adjacent to Block SK417
Dec 2022: Petronas Carigali (100%) made an oil and gas discovery with the Nahara-1 well offshore Sarawak on Block SK 306 in the Balingian province. It encountered hydrocarbons in Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene horizons.
Sep 2022: Shell has taken an FID on Phase 4 of the Gumusut-Kakap-Geronggong-Jagus East (GKGJE) offshore development project in 1,200m of water. Phase 4 is a 4-well subsea tie-back with first oil planned for late 2024. First oil from Phase 3 was achieved on 31 July 2022 comprising 2 producers and 2 water injectors. Gumusut-Kakap began production via the GK-Semi FPS in 2014. Phase 2 (also 4 wells) was completed in 2019.
Sep 2022: Hess (operator, 50%) and Petronas Carigali (50%) achieved 1st gas from the North Malay Basin (NMB) Phase 3 project in Block PM302. A total of 10 gas fields are being developed. The 1st phase involved installation of an EPS over the Bunga Kamelia field, achieving 1st gas in 2017. Phase 2 (Bergading) achieved 1st gas in 2019 with Phase 3 including installation of a Bergading-B WH platform. Hess expects Phase 4A production in 2023.
Sep 2022: Production is shut-in at the Penara and North Lukut oil and gas fields in the North Malay Basin following suspension of the Bunga Kertas FPSO, a converted tanker in 62m of water. Production will remain shut in for the remainder of 2022.
Sep 2022: Mubadala Energy (operator, 55%), Petronas Carigali (25%) and Shell (20%) made a gas discovery (Cengkih-1) in offshore Block SK 320 in the Central Luconia Province.The well drilled a 110m gas column in Miocene carbonate reservoirs.
Sep 2022: Shell (80%, operator) and Petronas Carigali (20%) have taken a final investment decision (FID) to develop the deep water sour gas Rosmari-Marjoram gas project, 220 kms off the coast of Sarawak. Production is expected to start in 2026. The development will consist of a subsea tie-back, an unmanned well head platform and a 207km pipeline to Bintulu.
Aug 2022: Petronas approved the Hibiscus-operated South Furious 30 Water Flood Phase 2 project in the North Sabah PSC. It involves drilling 6 water injectors and 5 oil infill wells at the field from a newly installed WH platform, bridge-linked to an existing jacket. The drilling could start in September 2023
Mar 2022: Mubadala (operator, 55%), Petronas Carigali (25%) and Shell (20%) commenced gas production from the Pegaga field in Block SK 320, Central Luconia province in 108m of water. The development comprises an Integrated Central Processing Platform (ICPP) with a capacity 5.7 bcm a year plus condensate. The gas is piped into the network bound for Bintulu.
Jan 2022: Petronas is offering 14 exploration blocks, six clusters of Discovered Resource Opportunities (DRO) and one Late Life Assets (LLA) in Malaysia Bid Round 2022. The exploration blocks are located in the Malay, Sabah and Sarawak basins with most containing existing discoveries. The DRO clusters are Meranti, Ubah, Baram Jr, A, C, and D. The LLA includes the 3-field Abu Cluster.
Jan 2022: Petronas Carigali (operator, 90%) and E & P Malaysia (10%) made a gas discovery in the Balingian Province offshore Sarawak at the Hadrah-1 well in Block SK411.
Dec 2021: Petronas awarded 6 of the 13 offshore exploration blocks offered in the Malaysia Bid Round (MBR) 2021. They are Blocks SB412, 2W, X, SK427, SK439 and SK440. All remain subject to the signing of PSCs by Q1 2022.
Nov 2021: PTT (operator, 80%) and Petronas Carigali (20%) announced a gas discovery in the Nangka-1 exploration well in Block SK417 in the shallow waters of Baram Province, off the coast of Sarawak, the second in the block.
Aug 2021: Sarawak Shell Berhad (SSB), Petronas Carigali and Brunei Energy have taken the FID on the Timi sweet gas development project discovered in 2018 in the SK318 PSC. It will have an unmanned WHP, with 2 wells tied back to the F23 hub platform powered by a solar and wind hybrid power system. The development is designed to reach up to 50,000 bblsoe per day.
Jul 2021: Petrofac (operator), Kufpec and Petronas Carigali,started production from the East Cendor field in Block PM304, 140 kms off the Peninsula. This is the 4th development in Block PM304, after Cendor, West Desaru and Irama. It comprises the a single new WHP and a 6.3 km pipeline linking the field to the existing FPSO Cendor.
May 2021: PTTEP (operator, 80%) and PETRONAS Carigali (20%) made a gas discovery at the 1st exploration well, Kulintang-1 in shallow water Block SK438, offshore Sarawak. PTTEP expects to drill another well in this block in 2Q 2021.
Mar 2021: PTTEP (operator, 59.5%), MOECO (25.5%) and PETRONAS Carigali (15%) announced a shallow water discovery in the Sirung-1 well in Block SK405B. It encountered an oil and gas column of more than 100m in clastic reservoirs. Sirung-1 is PTTEP’s 3rd discovery off Sarawak following Lang Lebah (SK410B) and Dokong (SK417).
Mar 2021: Petronas is the first company to produce LNG from two floating facilities after a cargo from PFLNG DUA was delivered to Thailand. PFLNG DUA has a capacity of 1.5 mmtpa at a water depth of 1,300m. The facility is at the Block H Rotan gas field. PFLNG SATU, the world’s 1st, relocated to Sabah’s Kebabangan gas field (from Sarwak’s Kanowit field) in 2019.
Feb 2021: PTTEP (operator, 80%) announced a gas discovery in Dokong-1, the 1st exploration well in offshore Block SK417 in the Baram province. It encountered more than 80m of gas column in shallow waters 90 kms off the coast of Sarawak.
Feb 2021: Technip has signed a contract with Petronas for the provision of FEED for the Limbayong Deepwater Development Project. It includes 10 wells and tieback to the Limbayong FPSO unit.
Feb 2021: Petronas will be offering 13 offshore exploration blocks at the Malaysia Bid Round (MBR) 2021 launch on 26 February 2021. It includes 6 discovered fields and 4 deepwater blocks in Sarawak and Sabah.
Feb 2021: PTTEP (operator, 56%), Petronas and Pertamina produced first gas at PFLNG Dua (two) in deep waters at the Rotan and Buluh gas fields in Sabah. Petronas is the first company to own and operate 2 FLNG facilities. PFLNG Satu produced LNG from the Kanowit field in Sarawak in 2016, relocating to Kebabangan in Sabah in 2019.
Feb 2021: PTTEP (operator, 42.5%), Kufpec (42.5%) and Petronas (15%) discovered significant volumes of gas in the Lang Lebah-2 appraisal well in the Sarawak SK 410B Project. The well had over 600m of net gas pay.
Sep 2020: SapuraOMV (operator, 40%), Shell (30%) and Petronas Carigali (30%) started production from the Bakong gas field in the SK408 PSC, Phase 1 project. This follows the Larak gas field (Dec 2019) and the Shell-operated Gorek field (May 2020).
Jul 2020: Petronas is extending the Data Review and Bid Submission deadline for the 2020 Malaysia Bid Round to 30 November 2020 for open exploration blocks and for discovered resources opportunities clusters. The deadline for the technical report submission is changed to 29 January 2021.
Jun 2020: Petronas has made two discoveries offshore Sarawak; Kelapa Bali in the SK407 concession and Remayong in SK408.
Jan 2020: SapuraOMV (operator, 40%), Shell (30%) and Petronas Carigali (30%) announced first production from the Larak gas field in the SK408 PSC. The Gorek, Larak and Bakong fields in SK408, discovered in 2014, are being tied back into an existing processing facility and gas is transported to Bintulu LNG.
Jan 2020: Shell (operator, 35%), ConocoPhillips (35%) and Petronas Carigali (30%) are investing in the second phase of the Malikai deepwater TLP development by drilling 2 additional oil producing wells and 4 water injection wells.
Dec 2019: Nippon (operator) and Petronas Carigali announced that the Layang field in Block SK10 offshore Sarawak has commenced commercial oil production. The adjoining Helang and Beryl gas fields have been producing gas since 2017/2018.
Sep 2019: Shell (operator, 29%) with ConocoPhillips (29%), Petronas Carigali (16.8%), PTTEP (6.4%), Pertamina (2.7%) and others completed the Gumusut-Kakap Phase 2 project off Sabah after drilling 4 more subsea wells tied back to an FPS. These have added a potential 50,000 bbbls of oil per day from water depths of 1,200m. The GK-Semi FPS was Shell’s first deepwater development in Malaysia, onstream in 2014.
Sep 2019: SapuraOMV (operator, Larak and Bakong), Petronas Carigali and Shell (operator, Gorek) have signed the Upstream Gas Sales Agreement with Petronas for Phase 1 of the Gorek, Larak and Bakong fields in SK408 PSC. Gas will be supplied to the LNG Complex in Bintulu with first gas due in Q4 2019.
Jun 2019: PTTEP (operator, 42.5%), Kufpec (42.5%) and Petronas (15%) made a major gas and condensate discovery in their first well on the Sarawak SK410B project (Lang Lebah-1RDR2) in a Middle Miocene carbonate reservoir. SK410B is in shallow waters.
Apr 2019: Petronas plans to bring online its 2nd FLNG (Dua) unit in Q1 2020 with a capacity of 1.5 mmtpa. FLNG1 (Satu), the world’s first, started operations in 2016 at the Kanowit gas field and moved to the Kebabangan (KBB) cluster field in Mar 2019. It has a capacity of 1.2 mmtpa.
Oct 2018: JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration (operator) and Petronas Carigali announced commencement of gas production from the Beryl gas field in offshore Block SK10. Gas will be supplied through a subsea pipeline to the MLNG Tiga liquefaction plant in Bintulu, Sarawak.
Jun 2018: Sapura has made its 9th gas discovery with Pepulut-1 off Sarawak and completed its 2017 drilling campaign in the SK408 PSC.
Apr 2018: Octanex has advised that a decision has been made to suspend the wells at the Ophir field and terminate the Ophir RSC. Production commenced in October 2017 but oil production has fallen below anticipated levels making the field sub-commercial.
Apr 2018: Sapura (operator, Larak and Bakong), Petronas, and Shell (operator, Gorek) have taken the Final Investment Decision (FID) to develop the Gorek, Larak and Bakong gas fields (discovered in 2014) as Phase 1 in the SK408 PSC development. The fields will each have a wellhead platform tied back to the existing processing facility and to the MLNG complex.
Mar 2018: Sapura (operator, 30%) has begun production from the B15 gas field within the SK310 PSC offshore Sarawak. The development, coming onstream a few months later than planned, comprises a processing platform tied into the existing B11 infrastructure. Partners are Petronas Carigali (40%) and Diamond Energy, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi (30%).
Mar 2018: Mubadala Petroleum (operator, 55%), Petronas (25%) and Shell (20%) will develop the Pegaga gas field in Block SK320 in Central Luconia Province, Sarawak. They will build an Integrated Central Processing Platform in a water depth of 108m with output tying in to the existing offshore network and subsequently to the LNG plant in Bintulu. First gas is due in 2021.
Nov 2017: Octanex (operator, 50%) advised that first oil has been achieved at the Ophir field constrained to a maximum of 3,000 bbls per day. The first lifting will occur in December. The field is located in 70m of water and has been developed via 3 production wells, a WH platform and FPSO. Partners are Scomi (30%) and Vestigo (20%).
Jul 2017: Hess (operator, 50%) and Petronas (50%) announced that production has started from the North Malay Basin development Block PM302 in 55m of water after hook-up of the topsides for the central processing platform was completed in the second quarter. Commissioning activities are ongoing. The project is comprised of 9 gas fields.
Jun 2017: JX Nippon has commenced commercial gas production from the Layang field, offshore Sarawak in Block SK10. Gas produced from the Layang and Helang fields will be sent through subsea pipelines to the MLNG Tiga plant in Bintulu.
Jun 2017: Octanex has spudded the Ophir A1 well, the first of 3 production wells to be drilled in the Ophir field which is being developed with a WH platform and FPSO in the North Malay Basin.
Apr 2017: The PFLNG SATU facility has loaded its first cargo at the Kanowit gas field offshore Miri in Sarawak. The floating LNG plant can operate in water depths of 70-200 m and process 1.2 mmtpa.
Dec 2016: Petronas will make a voluntary adjustment to oil production starting from Jan 2017. A reduction of up to 20,000 bbls per day of oil from the 2016 average production is reported (GS notes: natural decline will probably account for most of this reduction).
Dec 2016: Shell (operator, 35%) started oil production from the Malikai TLP 100 kms off the coast of Sabah in a water depth of 565m. Malikai is Shell’s 2nd deep-water project in Malaysia following Gumusut-Kakap in 2014. Peak production of 60,000 bbls per day is planned. Partners in Malikai are ConocoPhillips (35%) and Petronas Carigali (30%).
Nov 2016: Petronas announced that its first floating LNG facility (PFLNG SATU) achieved first gas from the Kanowit gas field, off Sarawak.
Oct 2016: Petronas has produced the commissioning cargo at Train 9 at the LNG complex in Bintulu, Sarawak 42 months after award of the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning contract for the project in 2013. It has a production capacity of 3.6 mtpa and is expected to commence commercial operations in Q1 2017.
Jun 2016: Shell and the Technip-MMHE joint venture (TMJV) have concluded the onshore fabrication and commissioning of the Malikai deepwater platform. The TLP will partially process production from Malikai then deliver it via the Kebabangan (KBB) shallow water platform 50 kms away to the Sabah Oil & Gas Terminal for storage and offloading to tankers.
May 2016: SapuraKencana (operator, 40%), Petronas (30%) and Shell (30%) announced 2 discoveries from its 3-well 2015 drilling within the SK408 PSC area. Jerun-1, 5kms north of the 2014 Bakong gas discovery, has an 800m Miocene carbonate gas column. Jeremin-1, 15kms west of the F9 gas field has a 104m gross gas column. Putat-1, 20 kms north of the Cili Padi gas field, was a dry hole.
May 2016: Petronas (35%) and Petrovietnam (30%) announced the signing of a 10-year extension of the PSC for the PM3 Commercial Arrangement Area (CAA) with Talisman (operator, 35%). The project involves 5 offshore fields (Bunga Orkid, Bunga Kekwa, Bunga Raya, Bunga Tulip and Bunga Saroja) and surrounding acreage in the overlapping zone between Malaysia and Vietnam.
Mar 2016: Lundin Petroleum’s (operator, 65%) Maligan-1 shallow water well off Sabah has encountered significant gas shows. Partners are Dyas (20%) and Petronas Carigali (15%).
Jan 2016: Lundin announced it discovered oil at the Bambazon well in Block SB307/SB308, offshore Sabah. Lundin holds 85% with Petronas Carigali (15%).
Nov 2015: SapuraKencana Energy (SKE) has approval from Petronas for its development plan for the B15 gas field off Sarawak in block SK310. First gas is due in 4Q 2017 from a central processing platform with a 35 km export pipeline tied into existing infrastructure.
Jul 2015: Vestigo (Petronas) announced oil production at the Tembikai field under the Tembikai-Chenang Cluster RSC, offTerengganu. The field is in a water depth of 70m. This is the fourth RSC in production after Kapal-Banang-Meranti (KBM), Balai and Berantai. Three wells will be drilled to achieve peak production of 2,000 bbls of oil per day.
May 2015: ExxonMobil (operator, 50%) with Petronas Carigali (50%) announced startup of gas production from Telok B, the 2nd phase of the Telok project. The development has 2 platforms; Telok A, which started up in 2013, and Telok B together capable of producing 4.65 bcm of gas per year. Gas is produced via a 25 km pipeline to the Guntong E platform for processing.
Apr 2015: Lundin has achieved first oil from the Bertam field in Block PM307 in the Malay Basin from 4 pre-drilled development wells on a WH platform delivering to an FPSO in 75m of water. Remaining wells will be drilled sequentially with the plateau rate of 15,000 bbls of oil per day expected by late 2015. Lundin is operator (75%) with Petronas Carigali (25%).
Mar 2015: JX Nippon (operator) has discovered oil at the Bestari-1 deep water exploration well in Block R close to the border with Brunei. Partners are Santos, Inpex and Petronas. Block R is close to other oil discoveries including the Kikeh field, which started producing in 2007. Appraisal wells are planned.
Nov 2014: Shell (operator, 50%) and Petronas Carigali (50%) have taken a final investment decision (FID) to develop the E6 field off Sarawak. Discovered in 1970, the E6 field is the last field to be developed in the SK308 PSC. Gas will be produced into the E8 platform and oil into the D35 platform.
Nov 2014: Kebabangan Petroleum Operating Co. (KPOC), a JOC of Petronas (40%), Conoco (30%) and Shell (30%), has started gas production from the Kebabangan (KBB) field, part of the KBB Cluster PSC. The platform is a hub with gas, condensate and oil processing to cater for future tie-Ins. Hydrocarbons are piped to the Sabah Terminal in Kimanis.
Oct 2014: Shell has started oil production from the Gumusut-Kakap field off Sabah in 1,200 m of water. The semisub platform is planned to achieve a peak oil output of 135,000 bbls per day. Oil is transported to the onshore terminal at Kimanis via a 200 km pipeline. Partners are Shell (operator, 33%), ConocoPhillips (33%), Petronas Carigali (20%) and Murphy (14%).
Sep 2014: ExxonMobil (50%) and Petronas (50%) announced the start-up of the Tapis EOR project beginning with water-alternating-gas injection from the recently installed Tapis R central processing platform into wells on the existing Tapis A platform. The water-alternating-gas process will be carried out progressively to cover the entire Tapis field.
Sep 2014: Petronas announced that oil production at the Banang field off the peninsular commenced in July, 3 months ahead of schedule. Banang is the second onstream of the Kapal, Banang and Meranti (KBM) Cluster field development . Facilities include a MOPU and a storage tanker with production reaching 6,000 bbls per day.
Sep 2014: SapuraKencana Energy (SKE) reports that Bakong-1 is a fifth gas discovery in the SK408 PSC off Sarawak in the Central Luconia Gas Province (following Teja-1, Gorek-1, Legundi-1 and Larak-1). All have been suspended. Another 5-well campaign in 2015 will target further gas prospects. SKE is operator (40 %) with Petronas (30%) and Shell (30%).
Aug 2014: Shell has announced a gas discovery at the Marjoram-1 well in Block SK318 in 800m of water. Earlier in 2014, Shell announced the Rosmari-1 gas discovery, also in this block. Shell is operator with 85%, along with Petronas (15%).
Jul 2014: Petronas announced that the Bentara field in the Balai Cluster Risk Service Contract (RSC) off Sarawak achieved first oil production in May. The field is operated by BC Petroleum (a joint venture between Roc Oil, Dialog and Petronas)and is the second field in the Cluster to begin producing after the Balai field in Nov 2013. The RSC covers 4 fields ; Balai, Bentara, Spaoh and West Acis.
Jun 2014: Ophir Production, a joint venture comprising Octanex (50%), Scomi Energy Services (30%) and Vestigo (20%), signed a 7-year Small Field Risk Service Contract with Petronas to exploit the Ophir field, off Terengganu. The Field Development Plan includes drilling, a production platform and export of oil via a floating storage facility. The development phase will cost US$135 mm with first oil in 2016.
Jun 2014: SapuraKencana announced 4 non-associated gas discoveries in the SK408 PSC off Sarawak in the Central Luconia Gas Province. Teja-1, SE of the Cili Padi field; Gorek-1, SE of F23, Legundi-1, S of F23 and Larak- 1, south of F6, have all been suspended. SapuraKencana is operator with 40%, along with Petronas (30%) and Shell (30%). They are the first wells of a 10-well commitment.
May 2014: JX Nippon (operator, 75%), with Petronas (25%), has been given approval to develop the Layang field in Block SK10 off Sarawak. Layang is 8 kms east of the producing Helang gas field. An FPSO is planned with production of gas and condensate starting in 2016. Gas from Layang and Helang will be sent by pipeline to the MLNG Tiga plant in Bintulu with condensate shipped from the FPSO.
Apr 2014: Shell has announced the Rosmari-1 well, located 135 kms offshore in Block SK318 has encountered more than 450m of gas column. Block SK318 is operated by Shell with 85%, along with Petronas (15%).
Mar 2014: Murphy has produced first oil from the deep water Siakap North-Petai field, tied back to the FPSO at Murphy’s Kikeh field. Tie-in work was delayed because of bad weather and project execution delays.
Mar 2014: Roc Oil has received plan approval to develop the Bentara oil field in the 4-field Balai Cluster off Sarawak in a water depth of 65m. It will commence production in 2Q 2014 with initial rates of 2,000 to 3,000 bbls per day from 2 wells. BCP is the operator which is 48% owned by Roc Oil.
Mar 2014: Shell announced a deep water oil discovery off Sabah in the Limbayong-2 well, an appraisal of the Limbayong gas field. The well encountered 136m of oil bearing sands. The operator is Shell (35 %), along with ConocoPhillips (35%) and Petronas (30%).
Mar 2014: Murphy has announced first oil from the Siakap North-Petai (SNP) field off Sabah in a water depth of 1,311m in Blocks K and G. The development consists of 8 subsea producing wells and 5 water injection wells tied-back to the Kikeh FPSO. Peak production is expected to reach 35,000 bbls per day. Murphy is operator with 32% with Shell (21%, ConocoPhillips (21%) and Petronas (26%).
Feb 2014: Petronas has approved its second FLNG facility (PFLNG 2), off Sabah. It will be moored at the Rotan gas field in deep water Block H, designed to produce 1.5 mm tonnes a year and scheduled for start-up by early 2018. The first facility (PFLNG 1) will be moored at the Kanowit field, off Sarawak, designed to produce 1.2 mtpa of LNG, ready for start-up by end 2015.
Feb 2014: ExxonMobil, operator (50%), with Petronas (50%) announced the start of gas production at the Damar field in the North Malay Basin. The field will have a capacity of 2 bcm each year from 16 wells on a 4-legged satellite platform tied to a 22 km pipeline to the Lawit A platform. The Damar startup follows the Telok gas development which began production in March 2013.
Jan 2013: Petronas announced first oil from the Kapal, Banang and Meranti (KBM) Cluster fields. Operated by Coastal with partner Petra under a Risk Service Contract (RSC), Kapal has a mobile offshore production unit, storage tanker and drilling rig. Peak output is planned for 13,000 bbls per day. KBM is the third RSC onstream after the Balai Cluster and Berantai field.
Dec 2013: Petronas (25%) has announced that gas has been discovered in the Sintok-1 well in offshore Block SK320, 240kms NW of Bintulu, Sarawak. Mubadala Petroleum, the operator with 75% interest, is carrying out further evaluation to assess the volume. Sintok-1 is the 3rd gas discovery in Block SK320.
Nov 2013: Petronas has announced start-up of oil production from the Balai field in the Balai Cluster Risk Service Contract (RSC) utilising an early production vessel as a part of the extended well testing programme. It is the second RSC that has successfully achieved oil production after the Berantai gas field.
Oct 2013: Lundin has received approval for the US$400 mm Bertam field development. The field is in Block PM307, offshore Peninsular Malaysia. Lundin is operator with 75% along with Petronas (25%). The field will be developed with a 20 slot wellhead platform and an FPSO in a water depth of 76m with 14 horizontal wells completed with Electric Submersible Pumps.
Sep 2013: Petronas expects oil from 14 oil fields to receive EOR to reach up to 1 bn bbls of oil. Five of the fields lie off Sabah and Sarawak, including Baram and St Joseph whilst 9 lie offshore Peninsular Malaysia, including Tapis and Dulang. Tapis is the first to be selected with ExxonMobil working on a US$3.1 bn project. EOR production is planned for 2014.
Aug 2013: ConocoPhillips said the floating production system (FPS) for the Gumusut-Kakap field off Sabah arrived on site. Also development continues at the Siakap North-Petai (SNP) field with a production module and accommodation unit lifted on site. Both projects are planned to startup in late 2013 with the Kebabangan development, off the NW coast of Sabah, starting up in 2014.
May 2013: Petronas reports that the Cendor field is much larger than previously thought, potentially holding 200 mm bbls of recoverable oil. Amerada Hess discovered the field in 2001 at which time it was estimated to hold 12 mm bbls. Production at block PM304, which includes Cendor, will start in stages through 2013, yielding 30,000 bbls per day by the end of the year. Petrofac is now the operator along with Petronas, Kufpec and PetroVietnam.
Feb 2013: Shell (operator), Petronas and ConocoPhillips are to develop the deep water Malikai oil field, off Sabah. The project will start up in 2016. The field, in water depths of around 500m, is in Block G awarded in 1995. The Malikai development will require 17 wells drilled from a TLP production facility. Malikai is Malaysia's third deep water project.
Jan 2013: Petronas, along with Nippon, has made the first onshore oil and gas discovery after 24 years in the Adong Kecil West-1 well in Sarawak. The well, 20 kms away from Miri, has net hydrocarbon thickness of 349m with a flow rate of 440 bbls of oil per day with gas. Only 3 discoveries have been found onshore Sarawak;e Miri, Asam Paya and now Adong Kecil. Miri was discovered in 1910.
Nov 2012: Lundin has completed the Tembakau-1 well in the PM307 Block, off Peninsula Malaysia, as a gas discovery in 67 m of water. Tembakau-1 is 30 kms west of the nearest oil and gas infrastructure. The discovery is the second successful well completed in PM307. Lundin holds 75% in partnership with Petronas Carigali.
Sep 2012: The Gumusut-Kakap field, Malaysia’s 2nd deep water development, achieved first oil via an interim crude evacuation system (ICES). Two wells are tied back to the Kikeh FPSO. Production is expected to reach 25,000 bbls per day. The full development comprises 19 subsea wells tied back to a semi-sub FPS with a pipeline to Kimanis enabling output to reach 120,000 bbls per day. It is operated by Shell with Murphy, ConocoPhilips and Petronas Carigali.